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An Anchor For The Soul

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There have been few moments in my ministry that have happened where the Lord seemed to change directions on me at the last minute.  This past week, really wasn’t one of those.  The Lord had been stirring me all week to share the things I shared with you on Sunday, but I thought that He wanted me to do it through another route.  I obviously got the directions wrong:).  But in the end, on Friday night, the Lord really began to show me how I had veered off course a touch.  So, my hope is, Sunday’s sermon was helpful to you.  

Let me comment on the length of it…

  • First, I hope that the length did not distract from the content.  
  • Second, there is a major difference between preaching at the field and preaching at our church building.  One big difference is the fact that at the church building, it is much more interactive.  This is due to the fact that I can see your faces and it’s more personal/intimate.  A normal manuscript at the field for me is 5-6 pages.  In the building, it’s normally 4-5.  This past Sunday I had a 5 page manuscript, but I didn’t anticipate how personal it would be being back in our building.  I’ll get it figured out, I promise.  
  • Finally, I am so grateful that from the comments I heard from many of you that you didn’t even know the time.  It’s one of the things that I love about our church!  I never felt anyone looking at their watches, nor did I feel any angst in my heart.  But, I’ve gotta admit, when I tapped my iPad and saw what time it was, I was shocked as well:).   

Now, as I wrote late Saturday night and as I said on Sunday, if you were not there, please go back and listen/watch.  This is a sermon that we need lodged in our souls.  “The Lord is good and does good”, needs to be the theme of our hearts…especially in times like we’re facing.  

Helping out with fires:

Many of you have asked how you can help people in need, so I want to give you some updates on a few things.  First, I want you to know that our elders aren’t fans of “general” help.  We want to help specific people and give to specific ministry areas that help people share the gospel with their neighbors and be a light in a really dark time.  So, here’s what we’re currently working on:

  • We’re going to partner with 1-2 churches in the Glide area to help them care for families who have lost their homes.  So far, I have contacted the pastors from Glide Calvary Chapel and Glide Baptist, who have informed me that they have 2 families each who have lost their homes.  GCC is working on gathering financial support as well as crews to help with going through the rubble to find treasures or anything that might encourage these families.  Plus they will need people to help with some cleanup as well.   GBC is still gathering information on what specific needs are.  So:
    • If you’re willing to serve, please contact Christina Luther at [email protected] and we will give you dates/times as things become more clear. 
    • If you’d like to give to a benevolence fund that we will use for these families, please do that online at https://clfroseburg.com/give/ or through check…but be sure to designate that gift for benevolence or let Dave Quilla know at [email protected]
  • As I said in a previous email, we’re going to see where the needs are, after things begin come clear.  As of right now, we know of 109 homes that were lost in Glide.  That’s a huge amount.  So, there will be several needs that come up in the weeks and months to come up.   
  • Finally…this is really important…our idea of ministry at CLF is not programatic or systematized, where we create ministries and then tell you where you can serve.  Rather, we believe, as Ephesians 4 tells us, that the entire church is to be doing the “works of ministry”.  So, what that means practically, right now, is this:  you, as God’s people, are representing Jesus in your community.  And you, have friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbors, who you know and you’re influencing for the gospel.  So, if you know of needs of people that are in your sphere of influence, that you would like to help, and it will help you, serve them and share Jesus with them, then please know…we want to help you, help them.  Contact Dave Quilla or Christina Luther about this.  We’re with you, as you’re serving Jesus.   

A couple of things looking ahead:

  • September 27th we’re hosting a visitors’ reception at our church building at 1:00 p.m.  Our hope is that, if you’ve joined up with us during the summer at Champion Field, that you’ll come see our building and meet our leaders.  We’re so glad that you’ve been with us this summer and we hope you stick with us when we move back indoors.  So, mark this on your calendar.  
  • October 4th will be our 1st service back in our church building. The field has been a useful tool for us to have a larger audience during these crazy times, plus enjoy the wonderful Oregon summers that we get.  But, I must admit, I am ready to be back in our building for church.  We’re going to be out at the field for the next 2 Sundays, Lord willing, but the 1st Sunday in October, we’re heading back to our building.  Please pray for wisdom as we do this for a couple of reasons…the recent church growth and some potential limitations about being in the building means that 2 services may not be enough.  Please pray for us, as we look ahead.  

Fall into Community:

With fall approaching our groups ministry is getting started at CLF.  This year, thankfully, we will have 12 community groups.  We’re still gathering some information on certain groups, but here’s a list of them and, if you want to sign-up for one, click on that page and it’ll take you to a sign-up.  Here’s the page:  https://clfroseburg.com/ministries/community-groups/.  Now, there are a 1-2 groups, that we’re still waiting to confirm, but this page will get you started.  Also, feel free to email the church office at [email protected] to get more information.  This should be a fantastic year for community life at CLF.  

From the Cheap Seats:

  • We got home Sunday night!  Thank you for praying for us.  Grateful to be home and grateful for all who have worked to keep folks informed and protect homes, as they could.  
  • Being home was a much needed encouragement after watching my favorite NFL team do what they always do…good grief.  I’m just hoping that the team I saw Sunday night isn’t the same team I’ll see as the season progresses.  But, what the last 25 years have told me…it will be.  
  • It was good to watch football this weekend. 

To watch or listen to the sermon described in this post, please click here.

In Christ, 

Dave York

More To Explore

Diving into James: A Study Worth the Wait

To say I’ve been looking forward to our study of James would be an understatement.  I’m thrilled to be in this book.  One reason: it’s WAY different

For further questions, please call or e-mail.

Dec. 24 at 5:00 pm at Jacoby Auditorium

Join us as we come together to honor and celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This special gathering will include heartfelt worship, a brief message reflecting on the hope found in Christ, meaningful fellowship, and prayer as we rejoice in the gift of His coming.