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Biting and Devouring Each Other

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Sunday’s sermon had been marinating for several months. I’m a huge fan of equipping our people BEFORE they need it, and I was a tad concerned that I was a bit late. But in the providence of God, it was exactly on time and what was needed for our church at this time.  

July 4th weekend is a great time to preach about freedom from a biblical perspective.  I have been concerned that since 2016, as Christians have ‘fought’ for a place in the political discussion, we have taken up sinful methods to get our place.  Our politicians have not helped.  Sometimes, watching a debate seems like we’re in a middle school cafeteria or locker room.  It’s sad.  Christians have followed these immature ways of dealing with hard issues instead of leading the way with Christ-like loving service.  In this post, I will expound on a couple of topics from the sermon. If you have any questions, please email me through our church email address:  [email protected].  

Sit Silent?

One of the biggest critiques of a sermon like Sunday’s is that people mistakenly think this is a call for silence, far from it.  The issue is not speaking up.  The issue is HOW we speak up and WHY we speak up.  Let me explain by starting with the WHY first.

Many American Christians are scared about the direction of our country.  Rightfully so.  However, some fear it because they are worried about losing their financial comforts, the joys of a 1st world, and any other luxury.  Luxuries are not wrong.  They’re good gifts.  But they make really bad gods.  If many American Christians are honest, it’s their ‘way’ of life they’re concerned about, rather than concerns for the gospel being silenced, the church being shut, or the freedoms that allow them to speak about and worship Jesus being taken from them.  WHY we speak out should be for God’s glory first, the good of our fellow humans, and the advancement of the gospel.  

HOW we speak is possibly more important than WHAT we say.  Paul was clear that the gospel could be advanced through people who used it for selfish gain (Philippians 1:15-18).  But if we share our biblical ideas with unbiblical attitudes and actions, we must evaluate why we’re speaking.  The WHY will motivate the HOW.  If we’re concerned for God’s glory, the good of others, and the gospel’s advancement, we will share the truth with loving, caring, and calm hearts.  Yelling over the top of people, accusing them, threatening them, deriding them, or using sinful sarcasm is not helpful.  We can speak the truth gently, respectfully, and graciously.  

One final thought: if we believe the gospel will win, no amount of anger, intensity, or vitriol will make it win faster.  It might slow progress rather than gain it.  But if we genuinely believe in gospel power and the intrinsic power of God’s word, then we can rest assured that God will affect hearts as we share its truth.  There’s no need to stay silent.  But if you cannot open your mouth without losing your mind or sinning, keep it shut.    

Those Who Bite and Devour Will Consume Themselves

Over the course of the last 8-10 years, anything from sexual ethics to abortion politics has become a war zone.  To enter these worlds, you must be prepared to speak courageously, as I mentioned above.  But Galatians 5:15 reveals to us a truth that will help us as we engage in public with the truth:  those who bite and devour will consume themselves.  

Let me give you a real-life example of this:  the LGBTQ+ (alphabet) is made up of constant enemies.  The lesbian and gay communities have been at war with the transgender communities since they came to light.  But now, it seems they’re on the same side.  But are they?  In the recent debate about whether transgender people can compete in sports, an odd thing has happened.  The feminist community, which is for lesbians and gays, has been opposed to transgender people competing in women’s sports.  It takes away from honoring and valuing women as they have fought for many years.   They have begun to wage a war with one another over these issues, and I believe that over time, they will eventually dissipate in their ‘togetherness.’   

I could give you more examples, but you get the picture.  When I watched political parties bite and devour others, I knew that they were biting and devouring each other on the inside.  When that happens, they will consume themselves.

But let me add another caution: Christians need to be careful not to bite and devour others in the ‘world’ and throw out judgments on the world.  Paul warned about this in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. Instead, we’re to deal more strongly with those inside the church than those outside the church.   But here’s what I believe Scripture and history teach us:  when we’re willing to judge the world with biting and devouring, it won’t be long before we bite and devour one another in the church.  I’ve seen it often.  Churches take a particular ‘righteous’ stance on something in the world; they campaign against it, and soon after that, they’re sinfully pointing fingers at one another inside the church, and they implode.  

This is why the gospel of Christ must be our message to the world and our only motivation for how and why we do ministry in the church.  A church that makes the gospel central will bow its knees to King Jesus, work to reconcile with one another, and seek holiness and unity together in Christ.  A church centered on the gospel will take Jesus’ commands to protect the church from wolves from within and will protect the church from rebellious, known sin (Mt. 18:15-20).  

Looking Ahead

This coming Sunday, Luis Castellanos will preach on Psalm 78 and the importance of gospel transfer.  

From the Cheap Seats

  • 32 1st-time All-Stars…I’d say Major League Baseball is in really good hands for the future. 
  • Steven Kwan and Adley Rutchsman starting on the American League team is really cool.  Teammates at Oregon State and now back to playing on the same team.  Both are having incredible years.
  • When I was a kid, I waited every Saturday for “This Week in Baseball,” hosted by Mel Allen.    If you ever want to know what got me hooked on baseball, here’s the first episode of that show:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xO49ASYURc&list=PLm3MTzB9i2v_OmMYrvhJzGtKo_1-w_dVo&index=6.    

Have a great week! Christ is King!

In Christ, 

Dave York

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Dec. 24 at 5:00 pm at Jacoby Auditorium

Join us as we come together to honor and celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This special gathering will include heartfelt worship, a brief message reflecting on the hope found in Christ, meaningful fellowship, and prayer as we rejoice in the gift of His coming.