Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Palm Sunday

Holy Week (Part 1)

Hosanna in the Highest

Pastor Dave York gives a message on Luke 19:28-40 while celebrating Palm Sunday.


Holy Week (Part 2)

Cleansing the Temple

Pastor Dave York gives us a message looking at Easter in "Real" Time as we explore Monday and follow the events leading to Resurrection Sunday.


Holy Week (Part 3)

Teaching in the Temple

Pastor Dave York continues guiding us through the week leading to Resurrection Sunday. Here we explore Jesus teaching in the temple on Tuesday and how he was "tested" by the pharisees.


Holy Week (Part 4)

Passover Preparation

Pastor Dave York once again gives us a view of what events led up to Resurrection Sunday. In this video, he shows us how a woman helped prepared Jesus for burial.


Holy Week (Part 5)

The Last Supper

It's Thursday in the week leading to Resurrection Sunday and we take a look at the last supper between Jesus and his disciples. Pastor Dave York leads us through scripture that gives us the details of Jesus being betrayed.


Holy Week (Part 6)

Good Friday

What makes the day that our savior was beat, mocked, and scorned good? Pastor Dave York helps us answer that question while looking at the events leading to Resurrection Sunday.


Holy Week (Part 7)

Guard the Tomb

Friday has come and gone and now we look at Saturday, the day before Resurrection Sunday. Here, Pastor Dave York discusses how tomb was to be protected so the disciples couldn't steal Jesus' body away.


Holy Week (Part 8)

He is Not Here, He is Risen

Pastor Dave York gives a message on Luke 24:1-12 while celebrating the greatest triumph in history by our Lord and Savior.