Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Freedom to Serve

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Freedom to Serve

oin us for an insightful sermon titled “Freedom to Serve” based on Galatians 5:13-15. In this message, we explore the profound idea that true freedom in Christ calls us to serve others as Jesus has served us.

Big Idea: True freedom causes us to serve others as Jesus has served us.

Sermon Outline:

What Freedom Are We Called To? – Galatians 5:13a

One Use of Freedom and One Abuse of Freedom – Galatians 5:13b

True Freedom is Known by Its Fruit – Galatians 5:14-15

Discover how embracing this freedom can transform our lives and communities. Watch as we delve into the deeper meanings of freedom and service, and learn how to live out our faith in practical ways.

Trials Reveal God’s Strength

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Trials Reveal God’s Strength

In this powerful sermon, we explore how God uses trials to reveal our weaknesses, ultimately making us dependent on His strength.

Big Idea: God uses trials to reveal and create our weaknesses, which makes us dependent on His strength.

Sermon Outline:

A Case Study in Contrasts (vs. 1-6)

Human Weakness and Trials (vs. 7-10)

Learning to Be Content in Trials

Join us as we delve into 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 and uncover the profound truths about God’s strength in our times of weakness.

Trials for the Glory of God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Trials for the Glory of God

In this powerful sermon, we delve into John 11 to uncover the profound truth that trials, though difficult and painful, are used by God for His glory. Discover how God works in us, through us, and even apart from us during our most challenging times. Join us as we explore the big idea that our struggles are not in vain but serve a greater purpose in God’s divine plan.

Maturity Through Suffering

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Maturity Through Suffering

Big Idea: As we grow to cherish Christian maturity to the degree that God cherishes it, we can embrace the very trials that He leads us through and find joy in them.

Welcome to our study on “Maturity Through Suffering” based on James 1:2-12. Join us as we delve into the profound message of finding joy in trials and understanding how our faith and character are refined through suffering.

Removing Egypt from Their Hearts

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Removing Egypt from Their Hearts

Big Idea: One reason trials occur in our lives is to remove “Egypt” from our hearts, prune us, and refine our faith.

In this sermon based on Numbers 11, we explore the profound lesson that trials and challenges in our lives are often tools used by God to “remove Egypt from our hearts.” Just as the Israelites faced difficulties in the wilderness after leaving Egypt, we too encounter various hardships. These trials are not without purpose. They serve to prune us, refine our faith, and draw us closer to God. Join us as we delve into the scripture, understand the significance of these spiritual journeys, and learn how to embrace the transformation that God intends for us through our trials.

Guarded by God and Refined by Trials

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Guarded by God and Refined by Trials

Join us for an inspiring sermon on 1 Peter 1:3-9 where we explore how God uses the furnace of this life to refine us and help us glorify Jesus in this life and the next. Discover the living hope, enduring faith, and inexpressible joy that come from trusting in Christ amidst trials.

Disciplines and Idols

Overview 📢 Important Message from Andrew Crawford 📢 Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on Disciplines and Idols, where Andrew Crawford tackles the sensitive topic of pornography. Let’s explore how disciplines can help us overcome modern-day idols and lead us toward a life of purity and spiritual strength.

The End of All Things is at Hand

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The End of All Things is at Hand

Join us for an insightful sermon on 1 Peter 4:7-8, where we explore the apostle Peter’s urgent call to live with purpose and love. Discover how to stay alert, pray fervently, and love deeply in these challenging times. Let this powerful message inspire you to cultivate a life of intentionality and compassion. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more uplifting sermons and spiritual guidance.

Finding Purpose in God’s Kingdom

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Finding Purpose in God's Kingdom

Overview Welcome to our latest sermon, “Finding Purpose in God’s Kingdom,” where we dive deep into 1 Peter 4:10-11 to understand how God has uniquely equipped each of us with spiritual gifts. In this message, we explore the journey of discovering, growing, and utilizing these gifts to glorify God and serve others.

Laban’s Ironic Deception

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Laban’s Ironic Deception

Explore the narrative of Genesis 29:1-30 in this sermon, where we delve into the intriguing story of Jacob and his journey of faith. Unraveling the complexities of love, longing, and divine providence, we uncover how God orchestrates our paths to teach us trust and dependence on Him. Join us as we glean wisdom from this ancient tale and discover how God’s plan unfolds in our own lives today. Don’t miss out on this enriching exploration of scripture that promises to deepen your understanding of God’s sovereign guidance. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of faith like never before!

Jacob’s First Dream

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Jacob’s First Dream

Dive into Genesis 28:10-22 in today’s sermon by Pastor Dave York. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to draw closer to God and experience His presence in a profound way. Subscribe now and be part of this life-changing exploration of scripture!

The Search for Blessing and Sin’s Consequences

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Search for Blessing and Sin’s Consequences

Join us for a sermon diving deep into the timeless wisdom found in Genesis 26:33-28:9. In this message, we explore the story of Isaac and Jacob, uncovering profound insights into faith, family dynamics, and the promises of God. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain spiritual nourishment and practical guidance for your journey of faith. Subscribe and tune in to discover the treasures hidden within these sacred scriptures!

God’s Provision for His People

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God's Provision for His People

Welcome to our latest video where we dive into Genesis 26. In this powerful passage, we uncover God’s provision for His people. Join us as we unpack this big idea: God provides for His people. Throughout Genesis 26, we witness how God not only protects His people from themselves but also meets their needs and sustains them through life’s challenges. It’s a beautiful reminder of His unwavering faithfulness and care for us, even in the midst of adversity. As we journey through this passage, we’ll explore how God’s provision calls for a response from His people. We are called to worship Him wholeheartedly and to represent Him faithfully in every aspect of our lives. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more enriching content that deepens our understanding of God’s Word and His endless provision for His people.

God’s Chosen People

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God's Chosen People

Dive into the truths of Genesis with Pastor Dave York in our latest sermon! 🌟 Join us as we continue our journey through the book of Genesis, exploring the fascinating narrative of Genesis 25:12-34. In this thought-provoking message, Pastor Dave unpacks the profound truth that “God’s ways are not our ways. He works out His promise in unconventional ways.” Throughout the scriptures, we encounter countless examples of God’s surprising and unexpected methods in fulfilling His promises. From the birthright exchange between Esau and Jacob to the intricate weaving of divine providence, this passage illuminates the mysterious ways in which God operates in the lives of His people.

The Death of Abraham

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Death of Abraham

In this powerful sermon based on Genesis 25:1-11, we explore the enduring faithfulness of God to His promises and the reciprocal faithfulness of His people. Here’s the big idea: God is faithful to His promises, and His people are faithful to Him. God’s people are precious to Him.

The Benefits of The Resurrection

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Benefits of The Resurrection

Discover the importance of Easter in this sermon from Pastor Dave York based on 1 Corinthians 15:12-28. Join us as we explore the macro view through three statements from church history and the micro view through five personal benefits of Christ’s resurrection.

It Is Finished!

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
It Is Finished!

Join us for a powerful Good Friday sermon titled “It is Finished!” In this message, we delve into Luke 23:26-49 to uncover Jesus Christ’s sacrificial act for all of humanity. In the midst of darkness and suffering, we witness the ultimate display of love as Jesus, innocent and willing, offers Himself for people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. His journey to the cross was not merely a historical event but a divine mission to reconcile mankind to God. As we contemplate the depth of His sacrifice, may we find renewed hope and gratitude in the finished work of the cross. Join us as we come together to commemorate this pivotal moment in history and to reflect on the profound implications of Christ’s ultimate act of redemption. Don’t miss this opportunity to draw closer to the heart of the One who gave everything for us. Subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated with more inspiring messages and reflections. Let us journey together as we explore the profound truths of our faith and the unending love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Palm Sunday

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Palm Sunday

Join us for a powerful Palm Sunday sermon based on John 12:12-26. In this passage, we explore how God allows and even uses pain as a catalyst for maturity, growth, and shaping His people. As we reflect on the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and His subsequent journey to the cross, we discover that the path of pain is one that all of God’s people will inevitably travel. However, in the midst of our trials, there is hope and purpose. Through this sermon, we delve into how we can find meaning and transformation in the midst of life’s challenges, ultimately drawing closer to God’s plan for our lives. Don’t miss this insightful message on Palm Sunday as we navigate the intersection of pain and purpose in our journey of faith. Subscribe to our channel for more inspirational sermons and biblical teachings.

Generosity Beyond the Bounds of Reciprocity

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Generosity Beyond the Bounds of Reciprocity

Join us as we delve into the profound teachings of the Gospel with our special guest, Doug Hayes. In this enlightening sermon, Doug will guide us through the transformative message based on Luke 14:12-14.

The Providence of God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Providence of God

Join Pastor Dave York as he dives into the profound message of “The Providence of God” based on Genesis 24. In this insightful sermon, Pastor Dave explores the concept of divine providence and how it shapes the lives of God’s people. Drawing from the biblical narrative of Abraham’s servant seeking a wife for Isaac, Pastor Dave reveals the intricate ways in which God orchestrates events to fulfill His purposes.

The big idea of this sermon is clear: God’s people trust in His providence, and He fulfills His generational work as His people remain obedient to Him.

Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance or simply curious about the providence of God, this sermon offers profound insights that will inspire and challenge you to deepen your trust in God’s sovereign plan. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the timeless truths of Genesis 24 with Pastor Dave York. Watch now and be encouraged in your faith journey!

Death and the Promise of God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Death and the Promise of God

Overview Join us for an insightful exploration of Genesis 23 in our latest sermon. In this powerful message, we delve into the profound truth that death cannot thwart the work of God, and it serves as a poignant reminder that this earth is not our ultimate home. In Genesis 23, we witness the narrative of…

Sacrifice of Isaac

Get ready for an eye-opening sermon from Pastor Stan Welch on Genesis 22. 📖🙏 Join us as we dive into this ancient story packed with timeless truths! Pastor Stan unpacks the big idea that God, in His infinite wisdom and kindness, often tests the faith of His people. But fear not! We’re reminded that God’s got our backs, providing everything we need along the way. This isn’t just any old story; it’s a call to action! We’re challenged to respond to life’s trials with trust and obedience, just like Abraham did. So grab your snacks, settle in, and let’s journey through Genesis 22 together! Don’t miss out on this uplifting and thought-provoking message.

Steadfast: Men of God in the World of Confusion

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Steadfast: Men of God in the World of Confusion

In a world where uncertainty and confusion seem to reign, the need for steadfastness among men of God is more crucial than ever. Drawing from scripture and real-life examples, this sermon encourages men to be unwavering in their commitment to righteousness, to be pillars of strength in their families and communities, and to let their faith guide their actions in all circumstances. Watch now and be inspired to live boldly for God in a world that desperately needs men of steadfast faith.

The Birth of Isaac

Based on Genesis 21:1-21, we discover the powerful message of faith and fulfillmen. Join us as Pastor York explores how God is always on the move, faithfully fulfilling His promises in His perfect timing. Learn how to respond with unwavering faith and worship, trusting solely in His grace. Don’t miss this inspiring message that reminds us of God’s faithfulness and the importance of relying on Him completely.

God’s Protection of His Promises

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God's Protection of His Promises

Overview 📖 In this eye-opening sermon, we unpack the big idea that God’s ways are not our ways. God will protect His promises and the institutions He has set up. He thinks long-term, and He does things in His timing. As we navigate through Genesis 20, we witness the remarkable story of Abraham and Sarah,…

Sodom & Gomorrah

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Sodom & Gomorrah

Exploring Genesis 18:16-19:38 In today’s powerful sermon, we delved into the timeless story of Sodom and Gomorrah from Genesis 18:16-19:38. The BIG IDEA? God, the Righteous Judge, calls His people to love righteousness and honor His commands. Key Insight: Friendship with the world is dangerous. As we witnessed in the biblical narrative, aligning ourselves too closely with worldly values can lead us astray. Today’s message reminds us of the importance of staying true to God’s principles, even when faced with tempting influences. Let’s reflect on this wisdom and commit to living a life that aligns with God’s righteousness.

Is There Anything Too Hard for God?

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Is There Anything Too Hard for God?

In today’s sermon, we look at Genesis 18:1-15 with the overarching theme that “Nothing is impossible for God.” The key takeaway, emphasizes the awe-inspiring reality that God has paved a way for us to be His friends through the profound sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. The boundless nature of God’s capabilities reinforced the transformative connection we share with Him through faith.

A Prayer to Imitate

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
A Prayer to Imitate

Today’s sermon is based on Philippians 1:3-11. Join us as we delve into the this passage to explore the profound meaning behind Paul’s prayer. Discover the essence of imitation in the context of love, knowledge, and discernment, and let it inspire and guide you on your own spiritual journey. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your connection with God and embrace the prayerful wisdom found in Philippians. Watch now and be uplifted in your pursuit of a life that reflects the grace and love of Christ.

The Promise and Sign of the Covenant

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Promise and Sign of the Covenant

Uncover the profound truth that God’s relationship with His people is built on mercy and grace. In this powerful message, we explore how our response to Him should be one of wholehearted devotion and obedience. Join us on a journey through scripture as we unravel the significance of the covenant and discover the enduring lessons that shape our spiritual journey.

Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Today, we read Philippians 2:12-16 to see this big idea: We grow in our faith through the day-by-day power of God at work in us. As we grow, we become more like Jesus and learn how to represent Him.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

️ Pastor Dave York is bringing the warmth of love to our hearts this Advent season! Join us today as we explore the significance of the fourth candle. Love is the essence of the season, and Pastor Dave will guide us through the beautiful message it holds. ️ Let’s gather, reflect, and embrace the love that unites us all during this special time.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

Join us this Sunday as Pastor Dave spreads the spirit of JOY during the Advent season! His uplifting message is sure to warm your heart and inspire a sense of joyous anticipation as we celebrate the coming of Christ, our Savior.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

In this Advent sermon, we explore the profound truth encapsulated in Isaiah 9:6-7, Romans 5:1, and Philippians 4:4-6 – the central theme that Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is the bridge that brings reconciliation between humanity and God. The big idea unfolds: Jesus Christ not only establishes peace with God but also makes the profound peace of God a tangible and transformative reality in our lives.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

Today’s sermon kicked off our Advent series with a powerful message on HOPE! ️ Join us on this incredible journey as we dive into Isaiah 9:1-7. Scripture: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” – Isaiah 9:2 BIG IDEA: Because Christ has come, Christians can have hope in this world. Let’s reflect on the transformative impact of Christ’s arrival and how it brings light to our lives. ️ As we enter this Advent season, let’s carry the flame of hope in our hearts.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

To end our series titled, 7 Shaping Virtues, Bruce Wells gives a message about the shaping virtue of Godliness. He will read from 2 Timothy 3:12 to show us that A Godly life flows from a heart devoted to God.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

Pastor Dave takes the pulpit to present a message about servanthood. The gospel saves us into a life of service, first to God and then, as an expression of that service, to others. Join us as we read Matthew 20:20-28 while seeing that service is motivated, modeled, and empowered by the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

Today, we explore the concept of joy through the lens of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. This passage reveals that it is God’s will for us to experience continuous joy in our relationship with Him. We are guided by His Word on how to achieve this enduring state of joy in our lives.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

Today, we turn our focus to generosity. While reading 2 Cor. 8:1-15 and 9:6-15, we will see that generosity comes from understanding the Gospel and being willing to help others, as God has helped us.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

Today, we look at the shaping virtue of gratitude. All gospel benefits are received as undeserved gifts from a gracious God. The only appropriate response to such generous grace is gratitude. A thankful heart is cultivated the more we remember, understand, and appreciate all the ways the Lord has blessed us in the gospel and through his common grace, by which he “richly provides us with everything to enjoy.”


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

Today, we look at the shaping virtue of encouragement and how it’s portrayed in the Bible. Encouragement is not merely patting someone on the back or offering a kind word. Biblical encouragement is lifting up the saints by holding up Christ and His gospel treasure in order to strengthen them for joyful service to him.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

Pastor Dave York looks at the shaping virtue of humility. The Lord promises to bless the one “who is humble and contrite in spirit” (Isaiah 66:2). Humility is an accurate view of God and ourselves. It is foundational to all other shaping virtues, because without humility we will experience neither the desire nor the grace necessary to cultivate them. The gospel humbles us as we come to grasp that “by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). This humility before God prompts humility toward others. In keeping with Jesus’ example, we are commanded, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Philippians 2:3-4).

The Practical Nature of The Great Commission

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Practical Nature of The Great Commission

In Ephesians 4:7-16, the apostle Paul elaborates on how the Great Commission is intrinsically woven into the fabric of the Christian community. The culminating message is clear: when Christians, equipped with truth and driven by love, act in unity, they effectively demonstrate and declare the gospel of Jesus both near and far, fulfilling the Great Commission in a tangible manner.

Evangelism and The Great Commission

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Evangelism and The Great Commission

Dive deep into a transformative message with the story of the Samaritan woman at the well.

Evangelism: It’s not about grand gestures, but about genuine connections. Share love, share truth, and let God do the rest.

Join us on this journey as we discover the heart of evangelism and our role in the Great Commission. Let’s be the light and the love in the world.

The Mission of CLF

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Mission of CLF

Watch today’s sermon on the pivotal role of the local church in the Great Commission! It’s a timely reminder as Covenant Life Fellowship marks two decades of spirit-filled worship, community, and evangelism. The local church isn’t just a building; it’s the heartbeat of God’s mission on earth. Here’s to many more years of serving, growing, and fulfilling God’s purpose!

The Great Commission

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Great Commission

We’re excited to announce a fresh sermon series by our very own Pastor Dave York! As we journey deeper into the heart of the Gospel, it’s time we turn our attention to one of the most powerful mandates Jesus gave His disciples: The Great Commission.

The Day of Trouble

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Day of Trouble

Overview Psalm 20 is a psalm of David, and it’s a prayer for victory. The psalm emphasizes trust in God rather than human means (like chariots and horses). The trust in God over human strength and the hope for divine assistance are vital themes in this psalm and for our lives.

I Cry Out

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
I Cry Out

The psalmist cries out to God in deep distress and sorrow. Throughout the psalm, the writer describes his feelings of isolation, abandonment, and overwhelming affliction. He continually seeks God, mentioning his constant prayer and seeking the Lord’s attention. The tone is desperate, as the writer portrays himself as being among the dead and forgotten. This psalm offers an honest expression of deep anguish and serves as a reminder that it is okay to bring our raw emotions before God. It represents the real human experience of feeling distant from God, even when seeking Him earnestly.

How Long, O Lord?

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
How Long, O Lord?

No matter how bleak the situation, or how distant God may seem, we can always turn to Him and find reassurance in His promises. The key is to shift our focus from the size of our problems to the vastness of God’s love and grace.

God Is on the Throne

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God Is on the Throne

Psalm 47 is a song of praise and triumph, a declaration of the universal reign of God. The psalmist speaks of God’s rule over all the nations and His sovereignty over the entire world, emphasizing the rightful worship and exaltation that should be given to God because of His supreme power and rule.

A Throne with No End

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
A Throne with No End

Psalm 102 acknowledges the fleeting and fragile nature of human existence but finds comfort and hope in the eternal nature of God. The psalmist’s distress leads them to cry out to God, who remains constant amidst the temporal challenges of life. Ultimately, the psalm points to a future restoration and a renewed hope in God’s enduring faithfulness.

When the Darkness Doesn’t Lift

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
When the Darkness Doesn't Lift

In this psalm, we see the psalmist grappling with the tension between their faith in God’s past faithfulness and their present experience of defeat and suffering. It highlights the reality that there are times in history and in individual lives when it may seem as though God is distant or not actively intervening on behalf of His people.

The big idea of this psalm is that there are times in history and in life when it seems like God is not helping His people. In times like these, faithfulness to God doesn’t always bring worldly achievement, but it is successful in the eyes of God.

Beauty, Pain, and EVERYTHING in Between

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Beauty, Pain, and EVERYTHING in Between

Psalm 27 is a well-known psalm attributed to King David, and it expresses his trust in God’s protection and deliverance. It beautifully captures the theme of finding strength and solace in God’s presence amidst the trials and challenges of life.

This I Know, That God is for Me

Psalm 56 is a powerful expression of trust and confidence in God in the midst of challenging circumstances. The psalm is attributed to David and is believed to have been written during a time when he was facing great adversity and persecution. Despite the difficulties he was experiencing, David’s faith in God remained strong, and…

Heavenly and Earthly Realities

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Heavenly and Earthly Realities

Overview Psalm 3 is indeed a powerful passage that reminds us of the adversities we may face in life and the assurance we have in God’s presence and protection. Let’s explore the contents of Psalm 3 and reflect on its message. The psalm is attributed to King David, who penned it during a time of…

Prayer: Depending on God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Prayer: Depending on God

Stan Welch reads from Matthew 6:5-15 to see this big idea: It is essential for every child of God to have a growing dependence upon Him in prayer because of who He is and because of our own weakness.

Sarai and Hagar

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Sarai and Hagar

Pastor York uses Sarai and Hagar Genesis 16 to show this big idea: When we try to assist God in fulfilling His promises, things get complicated, but God’s grace is deeper than we could ever imagine.

The Lord’s Promises

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Lord's Promises

We continue in our sermon series as Pastor Dave reads Genesis 15 to show this big idea: God has promised to fulfill His promises and has proven this by the covenant of grace.

War and Blessing

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
War and Blessing

This week, Pastor Dave reads Genesis 14 to show this big idea: There will be conflict in this world. God will protect His promise and help His people.

The Call to Abram

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Call to Abram

Luis Castellanos walks us through Genesis 11:27 – 12:9. There, we will see this big idea: In our text, we will see the covenant of grace set forth in seed form, and what we will find is that through Abram, God reveals His purpose and goal for the universe. God will save His people through Jesus.

Making A Name for Ourselves

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Making A Name for Ourselves

Pastor York looks at the famous story about the Tower of Babel found in Genesis 11:1-26. When we attempt to make a name for ourselves, we choose safety, and security, and live small lives. God always accomplishes His plans.

Sin Rules the Nations

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Sin Rules the Nations

We head back to our sermon series in Genesis while Pastor Dave York reads from Genesis 9:18-10:32. There, we will see this big idea: The righteous will honor God and others and God will bless them for it. Sin fills the nations but God preserves His people of faith.

Walking Out the New Covenant in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Walking Out the New Covenant in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Pastor Bill Heard directs our attention to the Great Commission. God’s eternal plan to redeem His fallen creation is being worked out by His adopted children informed by His Word and empowered by His Holy Spirit.

God Works Through Covenants

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God Works Through Covenants

Pastor Dave continues in Genesis to show how God works through Covenant. God has revealed His faithfulness through covenants and He has committed Himself to His people in love.

Re-Creation and Covenant

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Re-Creation and Covenant

Today, we look at Genesis 9:1-17. God blesses and cares for His creation with patience and grace. His covenant with Noah is a promise of God’s common grace.

The Flood

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Flood

Today we read Genesis 6:9-8:22 to see how the righteous are saved from God’s judgment by faith, obey God, and worship Him. The unrighteous will be judged by God.

Death Spread to All Men

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Death Spread to All Men

Our study in Genesis continues as Pastor Dave York reads Genesis 5:1-6:8 to show this big idea: When we live outside of God’s boundaries, chaos reigns. But when we walk with God, His grace provides us with hope in a chaotic world.

Cain & Abel

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Cain & Abel

Stan Welch reads Genesis 4 to show us this big idea: The only way we can approach our Holy Creator is through faith. The one who comes to Him this way, finds his home in God. The one who does not, will face temporal and eternal consequences.

The Fall

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Fall

Genesis 3:1-24 tells the story of one of the darkest days in history. Pastor Dave York will show this big idea: Satan lies. Humans disobey God. Sin hurts. God saves.

Rest and Origins

God celebrated His creation and rested on the 7th day. Human sin distorted what God created. Jesus Christ restores God’s original design. That’s the big idea we’ll see from Pastor Dave York looking deeper into Genesis 2:1-3.

God Created Humanity

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God Created Humanity

Overview Pastor Dave York continues in Genesis to show us how God made humanity (male and female) in His image. He created us to represent Him and honor Him. He provided for all we needed.

In the Beginning…God Created

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
In the Beginning...God Created

God spoke and created all things out of nothing. What He created was good and was created for His glory. That is what we will see as Pastor York guides us through Genesis 1:1-25.

In the Beginning…God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
In the Beginning...God

Pastor Dave York starts the year off with a brand new sermon series in Genesis. He’ll show us this big idea: God is the Creator of all things. Our lives are to be centered on God and lived for His glory.

The Savior is Born

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Savior is Born

It has been prophesied for ages. Now, we celebrate the birth of our Savior and King! Pastor Dave York reads from Matthew 1:18-25 to point us to the good news of Christ yet again!

The Prophets Foretold

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Prophets Foretold

Pastor Dave York uses Isaiah 9:6-7 to guide us to see how the prophets foretold the greatest miracle in history, the coming of Christ!

Give God Your Best

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Give God Your Best

Pastor Dave York reads from Malichi. Here is the big idea: God calls us to revere Him, be faithful to Him, and give Him our best.

Put Your Hope in God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Put Your Hope in God

Pastor Dave York reads from Zechariah. This world is full of disappointments and reasons for discouragement. But God is always on the move, and He wants His people to have hope.

Seek First the Kingdom of God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Seek First the Kingdom of God

Pastor Dave York reads Haggai 1-2. There, we will see this big idea: God calls us to make His kingdom work a priority in our lives. When we do, He promises to be with us. He’s building more than we could ever dream.

The Tough Journey to Joy

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Tough Journey to Joy

Josh Montague explores the book of Habakkuk to remind us that all should rejoice and take joy in the God of our salvation.

Vengeance is Mine

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Vengeance is Mine

Pastor Dave York discusses Nahum 1-3 to reveal that God is a jealous and loving God. He will always work for His people. He will always execute justice on His enemies.

Do Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with Your God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Do Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with Your God

Pastor Dave York is back to bring us a message from the Book of Micah. There, we will see how God has a plan for His people in a sin-stained world and how He delights in steadfast love and will always fulfill His promise.

Suffering and the Sovereignty of God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Suffering and the Sovereignty of God

Overview Robert Sidlo helps look at how suffering and the Sovereignty of God. As a Christian, NOTHING will influence your ability to deal with suffering more than your humble submission to, and firm confidence in, your loving Father’s sovereignty over every detail of your life.

Sovereign Over All Nations

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Sovereign Over All Nations

Bruce Wells leads us through the Book of Obadiah to show that God is sovereign over all nations, including Edom. He will right every wrong and completely deliver His people.