Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Sermons (Page 2)

Romans Sermon Graphic

More Than Conquerors

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
More Than Conquerors

Pastor Dave York wraps up our study of Romans. We’ll read Romans 8:31-39 to see this big idea: Because of our union with Christ, God is for us, and nothing can separate us from His love and care.

Romans Sermon Graphic

I Will Not Leave You as Orphans

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
I Will Not Leave You as Orphans

Pastor Dave Ruble reads from Romans 8:26-30. There, He will show this big idea: The promised gift of the Holy Spirit is unceasingly at work in perfect union with God the Father and the Son in the lives of His chosen ones from predestination to glorification; from before the cradle to beyond the grave.

Romans Sermon Graphic

Heirs With God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Heirs With God

Pastor Dave York is back to bring us a message from Romans 8:12-15. Here’s the big idea:Because of our union with Christ, the Spirit of God resides within us. He is at work daily work in us, reminding us that we are God’s children and that we have a future hope.

Romans Sermon Graphic

No Condemnation

Pastor Dave Quilla reads from Romans 8:1-11 to show us this big idea: Our union with Christ frees us from the fear of condemnation. The requirements of the law were fulfilled based on the performance of Christ, not our performance. We are now free to live by the spirit which gives us the power and desire to obey the law.

Romans Sermon Graphic

Doing the Things I Hate

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Doing the Things I Hate

Pastor Dave York gives a message on Romans 7:7-25 as he continues the sermons series entitled “United with Christ.”

Romans Sermon Graphic

Released from the Law

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Released from the Law

Perry Sorensen reads from Romans 7:1-6 to draw out this big idea: Just as death dissolves legal obligation to one’s spouse in a marriage, the Law is dissolved when the Christian “dies” with Christ. Because we have a new “union” with Christ, the Holy Spirit gives us a new status, a new power, and new security so that we can serve God’s Kingdom.

Romans Sermon Graphic

Obedient from the Heart

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Obedient from the Heart

Pastor York continues reading from Romans 6:15-23 to see this big idea: Our union with Christ means that we are no longer under the rule of sin. We are under the rule of God, and this is a work of God.

Romans Sermon Graphic

Dead to Sin and Alive to God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Dead to Sin and Alive to God

Pastor York continues reading Romans 6:1-14 to point out this big idea: Our union with Christ means that we died to sin with Christ and we are raised to live in a brand new way with Christ. Sin no longer has power over us.

Romans Sermon Graphic

In Adam…In Christ

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
In Adam...In Christ

Pastor York continues in our brand new sermon series using Romans 5:12-21 to point us to the big idea: Jesus is superior to Adam. Jesus’ work conquers Adam’s work. God’s grace is greater than our sin.

Romans Sermon Graphic

We Have Been Justified

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
We Have Been Justified

Pastor York kicks off a brand new sermon series using Romans 5:1-11 to demonstrate that Jesus Christ has changed our relationship with God forever.

Fight the Good Fight of Faith

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Fight the Good Fight of Faith

Pastor Dave York uses 1 Timothy 6:11-21 to show that the fight of faith is confessing Christ, pursuing Christ, and living like Christ through the power of Christ.

Striving for Peace and Holiness

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Striving for Peace and Holiness

Overview: Bruce Wells reads Hebrews 12:14-17 to show that the commandments express God’s will for our lives and should be obeyed for our good and for His glory.

The Functional Centrality of the Gospel

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Functional Centrality of the Gospel

Pastor Dave York shows us the functional centrality of the Gospel by taking us through 1 Corinthians 15:3-5.

The God Who Cares

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The God Who Cares

Luis Castellanos guides us to see that God cares about your life, your vocation, and about your doctrine. The Gospel is powerful to affect all of life.

How to Care for Elders

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
How to Care for Elders

While reading 1 Timothy 5:17-25, Pastor Dave York will show us that God wants His church to care for her leaders by honoring them and holding them accountable.

Being a Good Pastor (And Christian)

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Being a Good Pastor (And Christian)

Pastor Dave looks at 1 Timothy 4:6-16 to show us this big idea: God has called pastors to watch their life and their teaching. And He has called Christians to watch their life and what they’re being taught.

False Teaching’s Influence

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
False Teaching's Influence

astor Dave looks at 1 Timothy 4:1-5 to show us this big idea: God has given us the truth of the gospel that shapes our beliefs and our behavior. It is the “truth once for all delivered to the saints”.

A Summary of 1 Timothy Through Chapter 3

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
A Summary of 1 Timothy Through Chapter 3

Pastor Dave York picks back up in our series, “Life in the Church,” while giving a summary of 1 Timothy chapters one through three.

It Is Finished

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
It Is Finished

We celebrate the works of Christ while Pastor Dave York gives a message on Good Friday. Here’s the big idea: Jesus Christ innocently and willingly gave Himself for people from every nation, tribe, and tongue.

The Desire and Qualification of a Deacon

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Desire and Qualification of a Deacon

Pastor Dave York continues our study in 1 Timothy while showing us that the Church matters to God, and it should matter to us. God has called leaders to serve and care for His
Church because His Church matters to Him.

The Desire and Qualification of an Elder

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Desire and Qualification of an Elder

Pastor Dave Quilla gives a message 1 Timothy 3:1-7 while discussing the qualifications for elders.

Gender Roles in the Church-Part 2 2nd ed.

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Gender Roles in the Church-Part 2 2nd ed.

big idea: God has given each of us our genders and has given each gender a role in His church. Each gender has equal value yet a different role. When we submit to God’s design, every person is honored and useful in God’s work.

Gender Roles in the Church-Part 1 2nd. ed.

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Gender Roles in the Church-Part 1 2nd. ed.

Pastor Dave York reads 1 Timothy 2:8-15 and guides us in seeing a biblical perspective on gender roles.

Christ Jesus Came into the World to Save Sinners

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Christ Jesus Came into the World to Save Sinners

Pastor Dave Ruble reads Timothy 1:12-20 to show us all this big idea: Only the true, pure gospel of Christ Jesus has the power to both save and transform the lives of sinners and with it bring the promise of eternal life.

The Goal of Church Doctrine

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Goal of Church Doctrine

r Dave York kicks off a new sermon series in the book of 1 Timothy while looking to answer what the goal of Church Doctrine wishes to accomplish.

Bringing Jesus Joy in Our Relationships

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Bringing Jesus Joy in Our Relationships

Pastor Dave York reads John 17:20-26 to show us that when we live in unity and love one another, we glorify God, revealing the reality of Jesus to the world.

How to Protect Redemptive Relationships – 2nd. Ed.

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
How to Protect Redemptive Relationships - 2nd. Ed.

Pastor Dave York continues to direct us to the Word while we protect our relationships. We will take notice of this big idea: Relationships in the church matter to God. In Christ, God has provided a way for us to protect the unity of relationships.

How To Maintain Redemptive Relationship – 2nd. Ed.

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
How To Maintain Redemptive Relationship - 2nd. Ed.

While reading Matthew 7:1-5, Pastor York teaches us this big idea: Jesus has provided ways that we can maintain redemptive relationships by His power is at work within us.

From Forgiven to Forgiving – 2nd. Ed.

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
From Forgiven to Forgiving - 2nd. Ed.

We continue to learn how to properly reconcile with others by reading Matthew 18:21-35. Pastor Dave York will give us this big idea: The forgiveness of God is the foundation for our forgiveness of others.

Restoration of Relationships in Christ – 2nd. Ed.

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Restoration of Relationships in Christ - 2nd. Ed.

eek separation from God and others but to become ambassadors of Christ and ministers of reconciliation. We are made new in Christ!

Relationships After the Fall – 2nd. ed.

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Relationships After the Fall - 2nd. ed.

We’re up and running in the new sermon series, “Redemptive Relationships.” Join us as Pastor Dave York uses Genesis 3-4 to express this big idea: Sin always separates but Jesus always moves toward reconciliation.

Relationships Before the Fall – 2nd ed.

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Relationships Before the Fall - 2nd ed.

As we begin a new year, Pastor Dave York directs our attention to this big idea: We were created in the image of God, to reveal God, and our relationships are to be God-centered.

Advent to the World

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Advent to the World

While reading Matthew 28:16-20, Pastor Dave York points to how
Jesus came to fulfill the promise and mission of God; He calls us to represent Him in the fulfillment of His mission.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

We celebrate the birth of Christ as Pastor Dave York continues our sermon series on advent, directing our attention to Jesus Christ, the Champion that has come to restore all that was lost. O Come, o come, Emmanuel!


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

While reading John 3:16; 17:20-26, Pastor Dave York continues our sermon series on advent, explaining how God has made a way, through Christ, that we can experience and express His love.

Thankful in All Things

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Thankful in All Things

Luis Castellanos looks at 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to draw our hearts in giving thanks in all circumstances.

Trust in the Trials

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Trust in the Trials

Pastor Bill Heard asks this question: Are you learning to trust and obey God and find rest in his fatherly love and care for you no matter what happens?

Paul’s Summation in Defense of the Believer’s Bodily Resurrection

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Paul's Summation in Defense of the Believer's Bodily Resurrection

Pastor Dave Ruble takes us through 1 Corinthians 15:50-58.

Facing Circumstances

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Facing Circumstances

Bruce Wells will read from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 to show us that a true Christian can face the circumstances of life without losing heart.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Pastor Dave York walks us through Romans 1:16-22 while enjoying the atmosphere at the ballpark. He hopes for us to see that God has revealed Himself in such a way that all of us have a clear idea of who He is. And He has provided a way for us to know Him.

Born to a Living Hope

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Born to a Living Hope

Perry Sorensen will be reading from 1 Peter 1:3-9 while guiding us to see this big idea: Because of the victory of Christ, we have a living hope that allows us to worship in every season of life.

What Do You Seek?

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
What Do You Seek?

Dan Reeves helps us see the big idea of John 1:35-39. Eternal life is more than living forever, it is the fullness of life in union with God, through Christ that goes on forever. And the degree to which we possess and experience that, today, in THIS LIFE, hangs heavily on one question: What do you seek?

God’s Final Word

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God's Final Word

Pastor Dave leads through Hebrews 4 to show that God’s final, superior revelation is found in his Son, Jesus. When we see & hear the Son, we see & hear the Father. No one else reveals God to us, like Jesus.

He Will Hold Me Fast

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
He Will Hold Me Fast

Pastor Dave Ruble walks us through Romans 8:31-39 to show that Christ can never separate His love for those who declare Him as Savior and King!

The Gift of Prophecy

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Gift of Prophecy

Pastor Dave York uses 1 Corinthians 14:1-5 and verses 26-33 as our guide in explaining the gift of prophecy as we continue in our sermon series.

True Christianity

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
True Christianity

Pastor Dave York preaches through 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. Here’s what we should see: Love for others is the preeminent picture of the Spirit’s work in Christians.

One Body, Many Gifts

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
One Body, Many Gifts

Pastor Dave York continues looking at 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. Here’s the big idea: God has diversely gifted the Church so that every person is needed and honored. He did it this way so that He might be revealed in the Church and glorified through the Church.

One Spirit, Many Gifts

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
One Spirit, Many Gifts

Pastor Dave York walks us through 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. Here’s the big idea: God, through the Holy Spirit, has given every Christian a unique gift and a unique interest. He has empowered them for His glory, the good of the church, and the advancement of the gospel.

The Lord’s Supper

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Lord's Supper

Pastor Dave continues to lead us through 1 Corinthians 11 while showing us this big idea: The Lord’s Supper is a divine ordinance in which Christians show their devotion to the Lord and their devotion to one another.

How to Not Divide Your Church over Christian Liberties

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
How to Not Divide Your Church over Christian Liberties

Pastor Dave York will explore Romans 14:1-12 while discussing how to not divide our church over Christian liberties.

All Things for the Glory of God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
All Things for the Glory of God

Pastor Dave walks us through 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1. He’ll discuss how Christians define themselves by their relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In doing so, Christians want to glorify God in all things by considering others’ interests above our own.

Covenant Loyalty

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Loyalty

Pastor Dave York leads us through 1 Corinthians 10:15-22 to point to us this big idea: Christians share in the benefits of Christ and are loyal to Christ. And because of that, we don’t give ourselves to idolatry.

Flee Idolatry

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Flee Idolatry

Pastor Dave York gives a message on 1 Corinthians 10:1-14. While returning to our sermon series, “A New Reality”, he shows us this big idea: The Christian life is long-term faithfulness to God. This requires humble dependence on God’s grace and power every day.

Prepare for Glory

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Prepare for Glory

Pastor Dave York continues the sermon series with reading from 1 Peter 1:3-9. Here he will direct us seeing this big idea: Because we’re children of God, God uses the furnace of this life to prepare us for the next.

Take up Your Cross

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Take up Your Cross

Pastor David Yorks walks us through Luke 9:23-26 while pointing us this idea: If we are children of God, then we value Jesus more than our own lives.

Dying Daily

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Dying Daily

Pastor York walks us through Romans 6:5-14 showing us that because we’re children of God, we’re united with Christ, and because we’re united with Christ we can live for God and say “no” to sin.

God With Us

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God With Us

Pastor Dave York gives a message on Isaiah 7:10-17 showing us that because Christ has come, Christians can have hope in the world. Because Christ has come…God is with us.

A Child Is Born

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
A Child Is Born

Pastor Dave York starts a Christmas sermon series beginning with Isaiah 9:1-7. We’ll be looking at how the event of Christ’s coming on our behalf now gives Christians the ability to have hope in this world.