It will be challenging to keep this post short, so I’m preparing you now…
As promised on Sunday, here’s a debrief of our recent trips to the Philippines, Sydney, and the SGC Pastors Conference.
God’s gospel is Moving Forward
When people ask me about my view of the end times, I tell them that God’s gospel will win. I’m an optimist. If you know anything about eschatology (end-times theology), that will tell you where I land. From what we’ve seen on our recent trips, God’s gospel is moving forward and is on the move.
In the Philippines, we were deeply encouraged by the progress of God’s work among our churches. The men there, led by Jeffrey Jo, are faithful, God-honoring churchmen. They want to serve the Lord, share His gospel, and build gospel-centered churches. They face enormous challenges: poverty, Catholicism, the Prosperity Gospel, China on their doorstep, drugs, and uncertainty in their government. Yet, these brothers and sisters are steadfast. While in the Philippines, I preached 9 times (on four different days), visited with fellow pastors and their wives, and tried to encourage our churches. Having Jill with me was a special treat. She was a great joy to the Filipinos, and we were deeply encouraged by what we saw.
I have attached pictures of friends to this post: Jeffrey and Jeannie Jo and their family, Ian and Robe Naman, Saitam and Jorgie Matias with Gilbert Tolentino, and Dave and Emma Taylor. When you see these dear brothers and sisters, you can see that God’s gospel is on the move.

In Sydney, Dave and Emma Taylor serve Sovereign Grace Church Sydney. Dave is the SGC Global Missions Director and the Senior Pastor at SGC Sydney. Jill and I went to Sydney for vacation (a holiday, as the Australians like to say). Dave and Emma let us not only stay in their house but gave us the master bedroom. Their hospitality humbled us, and we thoroughly enjoyed getting to know their family. While there, we went to the Sydney Opera House for a Broadway musical (thanks, SGC!), walked from Bondi Beach to Coogee Beach, took a ferry across the harbor to Manly, went to the Blue Mountains, the Australia Reptile Park, and drank long blacks (think double shot Americano). We had a blast. But to top off our week, Dave asked me to preach at their church and attend their community group lunch. We saw a profoundly multicultural church that was gospel-centered, with biblical values. Their community group was one of the most diverse groups we had ever been a part of, and their love for Jesus was rich and warm. We observed the power of the gospel to cross every national and ethnic border.

The SGC Pastors/Wives Conference was probably the best I have attended in the last five years. It was profoundly faith-building. Our Council of Elders meeting was thorough, filled with joy, respectful debate, and evidence that God is among us. Each preaching session was geared toward SGC pastors and was challenging and encouraging. I was particularly moved by Jeff Purswell’s sermon on training the next generation. CJ Mahaney’s sermon on handling regret was challenging because I struggle with “fruitless remembering.” Jarod Mellinger’s message on encouragement was convicting because I sometimes think I have the spiritual gift of discouragement. Jon Payne’s message about godliness pointed me to God’s transformative grace. Mark Prater’s sermon on faith for the future confirmed that God is at work as some critical transitions occur. I walked away from the week filled with hope as I heard updates from Ethiopia, Nairobi, and other places around the globe. It reminded me…God’s gospel is on the move. I was grateful to have Dave and Pam Quilla, Chris and Jamie Guastaferro, Stan Welch, and Luis Castellanos with me.
Thoughts on the Election
One of the odd realities of the SGC Pastors’ Conference was that it started on Election Night in the US. It was an adjustment because we were on the East Coast and had to stay up late to see the results.
There are many things I could say, but I want to say this: President-elect Trump’s win is not a time for the Church to relax but a time for rejoicing work. I say this because the Church and its values have been under attack by legacy media and by the present administration for the last several years. Trump’s victory, followed by the House and Senate, indicates that Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Worship will be available to us. As you’ve heard me say before, our prayers should be that the US government will rule in such a way as to allow for both freedoms so that the gospel can be talked about in the public square without limitations. Christians must realize this doesn’t mean it’s time to relax; it’s time for rejoicing work.
Jill was not with me on Election Night because she did not attend the Pastors/Wives Conference. After the election results, I texted her, “Another 4 years of preaching the gospel openly and worshipping freely.”
Looking Ahead
Our elders and wives will be out of town this week for our annual planning retreat. Thanks for praying for us. We have much to discuss and decide.
Andrew Crawford will preach this Sunday in the 1st sermon of our Advent Series “Awaiting the King.” He will preach on the promise of a Savior from Genesis 3:15. After this Sunday, I will be in the pulpit until the 1st Sunday in February.
From the Cheap Seats
- I’m a Detroit Lions fan. Those who know me know…
- Can the Aggies upend the T-sips on November 30th? It would be a sweet reunion to a great rivalry.
- I think I will like the 12-team NCAA Football playoffs. In years past, a 2-loss team would already be licking their wounds. Now, they’ve got a chance.
- City has lost four in a row, a first in Pep’s coaching career. But once they get healthy, they should be okay.
Have a great week! Christ is King!