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Advent: The Light Has Come


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

️ Pastor Dave York is bringing the warmth of love to our hearts this Advent season! Join us today as we explore the significance of the fourth candle. Love is the essence of the season, and Pastor Dave will guide us through the beautiful message it holds. ️ Let’s gather, reflect, and embrace the love that unites us all during this special time.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

Join us this Sunday as Pastor Dave spreads the spirit of JOY during the Advent season! His uplifting message is sure to warm your heart and inspire a sense of joyous anticipation as we celebrate the coming of Christ, our Savior.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

In this Advent sermon, we explore the profound truth encapsulated in Isaiah 9:6-7, Romans 5:1, and Philippians 4:4-6 – the central theme that Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is the bridge that brings reconciliation between humanity and God. The big idea unfolds: Jesus Christ not only establishes peace with God but also makes the profound peace of God a tangible and transformative reality in our lives.


Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship

Today’s sermon kicked off our Advent series with a powerful message on HOPE! ️ Join us on this incredible journey as we dive into Isaiah 9:1-7. Scripture: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” – Isaiah 9:2 BIG IDEA: Because Christ has come, Christians can have hope in this world. Let’s reflect on the transformative impact of Christ’s arrival and how it brings light to our lives. ️ As we enter this Advent season, let’s carry the flame of hope in our hearts.