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Sermons by Dave York (Page 2)

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Pastor Dave York walks us through Romans 1:16-22 while enjoying the atmosphere at the ballpark. He hopes for us to see that God has revealed Himself in such a way that all of us have a clear idea of who He is. And He has provided a way for us to know Him.

God’s Final Word

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God's Final Word

Pastor Dave leads through Hebrews 4 to show that God’s final, superior revelation is found in his Son, Jesus. When we see & hear the Son, we see & hear the Father. No one else reveals God to us, like Jesus.

The Gift of Prophecy

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Gift of Prophecy

Pastor Dave York uses 1 Corinthians 14:1-5 and verses 26-33 as our guide in explaining the gift of prophecy as we continue in our sermon series.

True Christianity

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
True Christianity

Pastor Dave York preaches through 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. Here’s what we should see: Love for others is the preeminent picture of the Spirit’s work in Christians.

One Body, Many Gifts

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
One Body, Many Gifts

Pastor Dave York continues looking at 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. Here’s the big idea: God has diversely gifted the Church so that every person is needed and honored. He did it this way so that He might be revealed in the Church and glorified through the Church.

One Spirit, Many Gifts

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
One Spirit, Many Gifts

Pastor Dave York walks us through 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. Here’s the big idea: God, through the Holy Spirit, has given every Christian a unique gift and a unique interest. He has empowered them for His glory, the good of the church, and the advancement of the gospel.

The Lord’s Supper

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
The Lord's Supper

Pastor Dave continues to lead us through 1 Corinthians 11 while showing us this big idea: The Lord’s Supper is a divine ordinance in which Christians show their devotion to the Lord and their devotion to one another.

How to Not Divide Your Church over Christian Liberties

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
How to Not Divide Your Church over Christian Liberties

Pastor Dave York will explore Romans 14:1-12 while discussing how to not divide our church over Christian liberties.

All Things for the Glory of God

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
All Things for the Glory of God

Pastor Dave walks us through 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1. He’ll discuss how Christians define themselves by their relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In doing so, Christians want to glorify God in all things by considering others’ interests above our own.

Covenant Loyalty

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Loyalty

Pastor Dave York leads us through 1 Corinthians 10:15-22 to point to us this big idea: Christians share in the benefits of Christ and are loyal to Christ. And because of that, we don’t give ourselves to idolatry.

Flee Idolatry

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Flee Idolatry

Pastor Dave York gives a message on 1 Corinthians 10:1-14. While returning to our sermon series, “A New Reality”, he shows us this big idea: The Christian life is long-term faithfulness to God. This requires humble dependence on God’s grace and power every day.

Prepare for Glory

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Prepare for Glory

Pastor Dave York continues the sermon series with reading from 1 Peter 1:3-9. Here he will direct us seeing this big idea: Because we’re children of God, God uses the furnace of this life to prepare us for the next.

Dying Daily

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Dying Daily

Pastor York walks us through Romans 6:5-14 showing us that because we’re children of God, we’re united with Christ, and because we’re united with Christ we can live for God and say “no” to sin.

God With Us

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God With Us

Pastor Dave York gives a message on Isaiah 7:10-17 showing us that because Christ has come, Christians can have hope in the world. Because Christ has come…God is with us.

A Child Is Born

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
A Child Is Born

Pastor Dave York starts a Christmas sermon series beginning with Isaiah 9:1-7. We’ll be looking at how the event of Christ’s coming on our behalf now gives Christians the ability to have hope in this world.

Free to Surrender

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Free to Surrender

Pastor Dave York gives a message 1 Corinthians 9:1-18 discussing how the power of the gospel frees us to surrender all things for the sake of the gospel.

Iron Sharpens Iron

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Iron Sharpens Iron

Pastor Dave York and Elder Bill Heard discuss how “iron sharpens iron” while looking at how their “Paul and Timothy” type discipleship created a successful mentor model.

Our Battle

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Our Battle

Pastor Dave York gives a message on Ephesians 6 while discussing how God has given us the weapons we need to fight the ways of the world by providing us with “armor” through Christ.

Train Yourself

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Train Yourself

Pastor Dave York gives a message on  1 Timothy 4:7-10 while showing us how hoping in Jesus Christ will empower us to not be swayed by the lies of this world, and will benefit us now and later. 

Lessons in the Pandemic

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Lessons in the Pandemic

Pastor Dave York gives a message on Philippians 2:12-18 while looking at a few lessons we have learned while in the global pandemic.