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Sermons on Righteousness

Sodom & Gomorrah

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Sodom & Gomorrah

Exploring Genesis 18:16-19:38 In today’s powerful sermon, we delved into the timeless story of Sodom and Gomorrah from Genesis 18:16-19:38. The BIG IDEA? God, the Righteous Judge, calls His people to love righteousness and honor His commands. Key Insight: Friendship with the world is dangerous. As we witnessed in the biblical narrative, aligning ourselves too closely with worldly values can lead us astray. Today’s message reminds us of the importance of staying true to God’s principles, even when faced with tempting influences. Let’s reflect on this wisdom and commit to living a life that aligns with God’s righteousness.

Romans Sermon Graphic

Released from the Law

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Released from the Law

Perry Sorensen reads from Romans 7:1-6 to draw out this big idea: Just as death dissolves legal obligation to one’s spouse in a marriage, the Law is dissolved when the Christian “dies” with Christ. Because we have a new “union” with Christ, the Holy Spirit gives us a new status, a new power, and new security so that we can serve God’s Kingdom.

Dying Daily

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Dying Daily

Pastor York walks us through Romans 6:5-14 showing us that because we’re children of God, we’re united with Christ, and because we’re united with Christ we can live for God and say “no” to sin.