Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Sermons from March 2023

Making A Name for Ourselves

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Making A Name for Ourselves

Pastor York looks at the famous story about the Tower of Babel found in Genesis 11:1-26. When we attempt to make a name for ourselves, we choose safety, and security, and live small lives. God always accomplishes His plans.

Sin Rules the Nations

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Sin Rules the Nations

We head back to our sermon series in Genesis while Pastor Dave York reads from Genesis 9:18-10:32. There, we will see this big idea: The righteous will honor God and others and God will bless them for it. Sin fills the nations but God preserves His people of faith.

Walking Out the New Covenant in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
Walking Out the New Covenant in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Pastor Bill Heard directs our attention to the Great Commission. God’s eternal plan to redeem His fallen creation is being worked out by His adopted children informed by His Word and empowered by His Holy Spirit.

God Works Through Covenants

Covenant Life Fellowship
Covenant Life Fellowship
God Works Through Covenants

Pastor Dave continues in Genesis to show how God works through Covenant. God has revealed His faithfulness through covenants and He has committed Himself to His people in love.