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Every-Person Ministry: How We Grow Together at CLF

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Sunday was another privilege to share God’s word and mission with our church. Over the last few weeks, we have introduced our church’s mission statement and ministry process to our church.  We have attempted to share some non-negotiables and how people connect and grow at CLF.  It’s been a clarifying series.  

This past Sunday was about growing in Christ.  It is implied in being a Christian and part of a local church that you will grow in your relationship with Jesus.  This sermon was intended to show how we grow in Christ and ways to grow in Christ at our church.   

In this post, I want to explain a key difference in the ministry philosophy at CLF and why we do things the way we do.  

Every-Person Ministry

Ephesians 4:15-16 describes a healthy church.  A healthy church has people who speak the truth in love and grow in Christ.  A healthy church is a place where every person is interconnected and interdependent, and it builds itself up in love.  A healthy church has leaders who equip members to care for each other and build the church in love.  

The implications of this don’t commute in our “pastor as CEO” models of ministry.  Pastors and elders are expected to do all the ministry in most Western churches.  They are expected to run the church, give all the spiritual care, and visit every home.  However, in an Ephesians 4:15-16 church, pastors equip members to help with the ministry.  Here are some examples:

  • Pastors aren’t the only ones who visit hospitals. While it’s nice if they’re available, in a healthy church, people are equipped to care for other members.  
  • Pastors aren’t the only ones doing ‘people ministry.’  All the members are doing that.  
  • Pastors don’t need to be present for you to share the gospel with your neighbor.  They are to equip you to do that.   
  • Pastors don’t need to give marriage counseling to your friend.  They train you to do that.   

My point is that pastors are not to be negligent or lazy.  Nor is it that pastors let everyone else do all the work.  My point is that pastors are called to teach God’s word and be in the ministry of prayer to equip the saints for ministry beyond the church’s walls.  

An Important moment in the NT Church

In Acts 6, we see this play out in the early church. The church had grown tremendously.  Many widows needed to be cared for, and the apostles were called upon to serve them.  The issue was that it was taking them away from the ministry of the Word and prayer.    

What did they do? They chose godly men to serve as deacons, which allowed the leaders to return to their primary tasks of teaching and praying. 

Ephesians 4:15-16 gives us a fuller description of a healthy church.  Yes, there are elders/pastors equipping people for ministry.  Yes, deacons are serving the needs of the church.  However, a healthy church has everyone playing their part in building the church in love.  

Opportunities for Growth at CLF

I’m delighted that our church has many opportunities for people to grow in their faith.  

For studies, please go to this link to see what classes might help you: https://clfroseburg.com/ministries/study-groups/

If you’d like counseling for any issue, please go to this link to see how we can serve you:  https://clfroseburg.com/biblicalcounseling/

If you’d like personal discipleship, contact our church at [email protected]. We would love to help.  

Looking Ahead

This Sunday, we will continue to study our church’s mission as we look at serving others.  We will discuss demonstrating and declaring the gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission…together.  I’m delighted that Stan Welch will teach us this week.   

Podcast Update

Our podcast has launched. We hope it encourages our church. We focus on our people, shared life, and questions to help you. If you’d like to share it with a friend not in our church, go for it.  If you have questions that you would like us to cover, please send them to Perry Sorensen at [email protected].   

From the Cheap Seats

  • I’m seriously reconsidering my fandom.  Every team I decided to pull for in the NFL playoffs, except the Bills, lost.  I’m sorry, Detroit Lions fans.  I think I ruined your season. 
  • Sunday’s NFC Championship Game—the Commanders vs. the Eagles — is the worst for a Dallas Cowboys fan. I’m grateful that I won’t be able to watch.  
  • This is a big brag moment for several of our young people at CLF: A group of kids in the Compass homeschool co-op competed in a robotics competition at Intel and took first place in the Core Values category at the State Championships. Congrats, Weston Smith, Crowder Anderson, and Isaac Karnofski!!         

Have a great week! Christ is King!

In Christ, 

Dave York 

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For further questions, please call or e-mail.

Dec. 24 at 5:00 pm at Jacoby Auditorium

Join us as we come together to honor and celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This special gathering will include heartfelt worship, a brief message reflecting on the hope found in Christ, meaningful fellowship, and prayer as we rejoice in the gift of His coming.