Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from September 2015

Elevated Service

Recently as I was reading through John 13, I was struck by John 13:3 and John 13:5, which says, “Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands…began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him.”  This text tells us that although Jesus knew that “all authority in heaven and…

Open it, write it, and remember it.

Like many people, several years ago I really got into the digital craze. I got my first iPhone was given an iPad.  I love using these devices.  From everything from keeping up with my mileage, expenses, reminders and my calendar.  They were very helpful.  I began to read my bible from my devices and wrote notes on my iPad or iPhone bible…

When Things Don’t Go Your Way

At some point in all of our lives we will all be faced with teh challenge of things not going the way we we had hoped.  It could be a job promotion we lose, an award that we thought we deserved and someone else receives, or something we diligently work for and it flops.  How do we handle this type of thing…