Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from January 2019

Morning Musings – Jan. 29

One of the things about writing a weekly blog post that has been tough for me is getting it into my weekly routine. If I don’t do this thing on Mondays, more than likely it’s not going to get done. And Mondays are normally a short work day because I try to take at least 1/2 of the day for time off.…

Morning Musings – Jan. 14

Straight gospel…that’s the way I would describe the last two weeks of sermons. It’s fascinating because often as a preacher, I find this temptation to make the gospel “more exhilarating” or “more interesting”…and then I think about that again…slowly…and I realize how dumb that is. The gospel is “the power of God for salvation”. It’s the dynamite of God. It hits the…

Morning Musings – Jan. 7

Yesterday morning, as I prayed for our Sunday gathering, I was overwhelmed with gratitude as I thought about all the servants at CLF.  The joy that our people take in serving each other and making Sundays happen so that we can gather to worship Jesus together is simply remarkable to me.  As I quoted to the church on Sunday from Philippians 1, the people…

Morning Musings- Jan. 4

Well, last Sunday we finished up our Esther series.  With the holiday this week, I gladly took a couple of days off and so I’m a tad behind in my writing musings.  So, maybe this week’s addition should be Weekend Wonderings (or Wanderings, depending on where I end up).  So here it goes: From the cutting room floor: One of the things that really stood…