Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from April 2020

Remove This One – Morning Musings

Sunday’s sermon was challenging on a few levels.  One, the text was challenging.  Two, not having people in the building to look at, to insure that the concepts were coming across clearly, was challenging.  Three, there is so much more to say on this text.  So, what I hope to do in this edition of ‘musings’ is to explain a little more.    Sunday’s sermon: One…

How to Not Divide the Church – Morning Musings

In the weirdness of our times, I really cannot thank you guys enough.  Our church has been so encouraging and helpful throughout this time.  I’ve heard from many of you, expressing your gratitude, as well as giving us areas of improvement.  The gracious critiques, as well as the encouraging words from you have been amazing.  Thank you!   Also, coming up in the coming weeks, after hearing…

He is Not Here, He is Risen – Morning Musings

As we set out to plan the Easter series, our hope was to give you online content that would encourage you and prepare you for Easter Sunday.  We really cannot thank you enough for the notes of appreciation and how this series helped you.  I’ve said this a number of times, but I’m very grateful for Perry’s work in recording, editing, coaching me along,…

Hosanna in the Highest – Morning Musings

These are just some ramblings about a variety of things that I hope will give some thought and insight into what we’re thinking during this really odd time in our country.  Not to mention, I hope it will give you some thoughts on what we’re learning (CLF Staff anyway) through all of this.   Thoughts on Sunday’s sermon and “Easter in Real Time” video…