Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from April 2022

Do Your Job

Our last two weeks, previous to Sunday, were incredible Sundays at CLF.  One of the challenges of church ministry is to fight the urge to hit home runs every week.  Jeffrey Jo, being with us…home run.  Easter Sunday…home run.  Someone asked me last week:  “How do we follow Easter?”  My reply was that we keep doing what we’ve always tried to do…be faithful to God and His word.

What Do You Have That You Did Not Receive?

I usually park in our new parking lot south of our church building.  As I walk to the church building, I spend time praying.  Last Sunday, I marveled at God’s kindness to our church and me as the pastor.  I prayed for our Easter gathering and just marveled….”God, You have been kind to us.”  

Mission Work

We see it in Paul and Barnaba’s missions in Acts.  And we see it in history.  But that is pioneering work. They are going where the gospel has not gone before, preaching it and planting new churches.  But what happens when there’s a church established or disciples are made?  What happens when people of THAT nation trust in Jesus and start churches?  Well, in my mind, that’s the goal!  

A Mirror, Not a Reflection

demonstration (life) and declaration (lips), rather than a reflection of the world.  What I fear, at times, is that the church attempts to placate to the world on issues of gender, sexuality, marriage, parenting, purity, etc., and in doing so, ruins a gospel witness with the power of transformed lives.