Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from August 2022

Sovereign Grace, Leadership, and More

I have always been reluctant to extend myself beyond my “borders” regarding leadership.  So, I declined anytime an outside organization asked me to serve on a board.  I did this because I want my time given to my family, church, and community.  And when it comes to community things, I’ve limited myself to the game of baseball because that’s about all I can handle.  I have also declined because I don’t “need” other leadership positions for my self-esteem or prestige.  In my younger years, this would’ve been a huge temptation, and part of my declination over the years has been to guard my soul against any speck of selfish ambition.  

God Himself is the Inheritance

Several people approached me before preaching on Sunday to let me know that Romans 8:12-25 was one of their favorite passages in the Bible.  So, I sure hope that I did that passage justice for those of you who love it, and I hope that the wonder of that passage still resonates in your hearts.  What a text!

Solely on Our Union with Christ

This is why we must cling to the truths of Romans 5-8.  In our union with Christ, God no longer determines our relationship with Him based on our sin, our fickle love for Him, or how we feel in the morning.  God relates to us solely on our union with Christ.  

Freshness and Joy

Throughout this series, “United with Christ, I see things in Romans 5-8 that I’ve studied before, but they have come to me with new freshness and joy.  Focusing on these chapters has given me a new sense of freedom from the power and penalty of sin and Jesus being my righteous advocate before God.  It is simply a stunning display of God’s grace and power that stir me to gratitude and worship.