Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from September 2022

Planning and the Gift of Bruce

Bruce’s sermon was fantastic.  It was clear, challenging, and faithful and made us long for Jesus more.  I think if the Apostle Paul were writing about men today, Bruce Wells would be one of those who have the interests of Christ in his heart and who have given their lives for the Lord.  I’m grateful for Bruce, and I know you are as well.  

Straight Talk from Amos

One of the reasons why Amos is such an intriguing study for me is because I like straight talkers.  I’ve never been a fan of people hiding their intentions, playing games, and never telling me the straight truth.  I’m not a veiled communicator, and I’m not a fan when others are veiled in their communication to me.  So, while Amos is hard-hitting, he was remarkably refreshing to study. 

Intricately Involved

I mentioned on Sunday that my hope for us to learn the book of Joel was to see how big our God is and how He is intricately involved in every facet of universal history.  And I said in the 2nd service that I would write a little on this from the book of Job.  

No Longer The “Cool” Kids

This new series that we began on Sunday is one that I’ve been looking forward to teaching.  Most of that is because of the cultural moment we find ourselves in being “on the outside looking in.”  But also, I know how refreshing it was to my soul to spend in the Minor Prophets.  I found solace in the fact that these prophets spoke forthrightly and directly to God’s people about their sins and how they should think during their time in exile.