Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from February 2023

Revelation and Concern

On Sunday, after the second service, someone approached me and said, “that was the adult lesson for Noah’s Ark.”  I appreciated that.  That’s how I felt.  Sometimes we forget the wonder and awe of stories like Noah’s Ark and the Genesis flood.  There is simplicity and joy in just reading a text as if it’s the first time.

Bumping into the Weird

Over the course of our study of Genesis, we will bump into some weird or odd stuff.  And because of the pace with which we’re covering Genesis (so we’re not in it for 8 years), there will be times when we can’t cover all the perspectives on particular things.  Sunday was one of those days, and Genesis 6:2 and 4 are two of those verses.

Stan, The Holy Spirit, and UCC

I mentioned to you last Sunday that I would be out of town last week.  I went to Louisville, Kentucky, to the Sovereign Grace Pastors’ College to take a class on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology).  This is a part of the ongoing growth that I feel is important as I get older.  At 52 and in the ministry for over 30 years, I don’t want to coast home nor “phone it in,” as Stan cautioned.  I want to be pushing hard until the Lord calls me home.