Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from April 2023

Praying hands in the sun.

An Odd Week

I needed to be in church on Sunday.  I had an odd week.  It had no rhythm to it.  It was long.  I was frustrated with some things that went on, and I was battling through some heart issues.  Then, the church service started.  The lyrics from the songs began to re-speak the truth of the gospel to my soul.  My eyes were lifted upward, and my heart began to settle down.  When I got up to preach, I shared the story about ‘not doing more’ because ‘it is finished’ it was for my heart more than anyone else.

Crumpled paper face silhouettes.

Combatting Our Culture

There are so many directions that a teacher could take on Genesis 12:10-20.  The amount of preparation for Sunday’s sermon and the differences in commentators was interesting.  It was a wonderful study, and I learned a ton.  I like hard texts like this, and I enjoy exegeting the text for interpretation and our congregation for application.  

Tomb's stone rolled away revealing the sun

The Hope of Easter

One of the things I said on Sunday needs to be drawn out a bit more.  And that’s Easter hope.  I was very encouraged by the quote I shared from John Piper at the end of the sermon.  Piper wrote, “The best news of the Christian gospel is that the supremely glorious Creator of the universe has acted in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection to remove every obstacle between us and himself so that we may find everlasting joy in seeing and savoring his infinite beauty.”   

Family and cross silhouette at sunset.

Abram and Updates on Jacoby

I was provoked by Luis’ treatment of John 8 and the Jewish leaders’ interaction about being Abraham’s people.  It is not those who are physical descendants of Abraham who are his people, but spiritual descendants by faith.  But this also struck me as I raise my family and teach my church.