Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from December 2023

All You Need is Love

Last Friday night, before heading home, I wrote down three different conclusions for Sunday’s sermon.  All three would be good.  But all three together would be confusing.  I let myself roll into Saturday and let the sermon ruminate in my head.  By the time Saturday night rolled around, I still did not have clarity on how to end the sermon.  I decided to get up extra early on Sunday and landed with the ending of 1 Corinthians 13 that I did.  There was quite a bit that I cut out of the sermon.  For most of this post, I’ll cover some items I cut out.  

Changing Power & Our Family Meeting

What I learned through this experience is this truth: correctly understanding God’s character changes us to be more like Jesus, and improperly understanding God’s character causes us to stay dominated by sin (namely condemnation and guilt).  

Lack of Peace and Israel

But one reason I didn’t mention is that sometimes we lack peace because we knowingly sin against God.  You can see this example in Genesis 4 when Cain offered a sacrifice that God did not receive.  He instantly lacked peace.  As Christians, this happens to us, as well.  Conviction of sin can cause anxiety when we don’t repent.  This is a kindness of God.  It’s a way that He shows us that there’s a better way to live.