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Posts from March 13, 2024

Dating Principles?

Sunday’s sermon was a ‘sweet spot’ for me. I struggled with anxiety for much of my early Christian life.  I wanted to please God and do His will, but I was always worried I was missing it.  I was taught about God’s ‘perfect’ will and that, if I missed it, I would not be in the ‘center’ of God’s will.  It created tons of anxiety.  Things started to change one night when Major Ian Thomas spoke at our church on that topic.  He talked about how God actively led His people and that God’s goodness met them as they obeyed Him. After his sermon, I asked, “Major, I want to be led by God.  How can I be sure I’m in the ‘center’ of His will?”  His reply stunned me.  He said in a wonderful British accent, “My dear son, God is already leading you.  You don’t have to worry about that.”