Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Train Yourslef

As I prepared for this week, I was very mindful of so many of the “ironic” cultural moments. I mentioned several of them in the sermon: abortion clinics being open and churches being closed; gathering to worship Jesus is deemed a public hazard, while gathering in a protest is deemed honorable…but to be honest, there’s so many of these ironic issues that it literally makes your head spin.

Content In All Things – Morning Musings

From the amount of texts that I’ve received about yesterday’s sermon, it seems that it hit a chord with many of you.  I’m really glad to hear the encouragement, as well as the ways the Lord used the sermon to challenge you.  It’s another reason why I’m grateful for God’s work at CLF.  You are very sensitive to the Lord’s work and you’re passionate to…

Anxiety & Rest – Morning Musings

There are many things about Bill Heard that have amazed me through the years and one of them was on display as he preached.  Here’s a guy who has literally spent thousands of hours reading/studying God’s word.  He’s literally studied Philippians 4:1-9 more than anyone I know and has used that text in counseling people for years.  And yet…when it came time for him to…