Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Church Life

SGC Conference to Home

The last Saturday I wasn’t out of town or didn’t have a ministry event was September 2nd.  Since September, I have traveled to Denver, Manila, Bend, and Orlando.  In between, we’ve had local conferences and weddings.  I realize I’m weak compared to many of you who travel a lot, but I’m happy to be home now for a while.  I don’t have another travel week planned for ministry until March.  It feels nice to unpack my bags and put my feet up finally.  

Great Commission and Life Together

I was reminded not to go through the motions and that God is evaluating our worship gatherings and my heart.  I was struck by the fact that Colossians 3:16 shows people singing to one another, where we remind one another of God’s faithfulness and our hope in the gospel.   I was encouraged to intentionally engage with the people of God in our gatherings by reminding them that they are part of the congregation, just like the worship team is part of the congregation.   

Campout and Articles

These last two weeks have found our family in Ferndale, Washington, for a baseball trip with a 14U Babe Ruth team and at our church campout at Bastendorff on the Oregon Coast.  It was a full two weeks with tons of memories made.  It was nice to get away, and it was needed.

Tough hands covered in dirt

The People of CLF

I was thinking about this recently as I took some time off. I could have done a better job taking time off over the last few years.  I love to work.  I love my job.  I love my church, and I love serving the people that I mentioned above.  When people love the church, it makes pastoring them easy.  But it also makes you want to work hard.