Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Disagreeing with Grace

I’m writing this on Memorial Day.  Like many of you, we will enjoy the day of rest, eat good food, and have family over for a BBQ.  It’s the official start of summer, and outdoor weather is here.  But today, my mind is drawn to another year of great freedoms in our great country.  I thank God for those who served in the military and your friends who gave their lives for our freedoms. Those freedoms should never be taken lightly; we should be grateful for them and the sacrifices paid to earn them.  God has been kind to us, and one of the great gifts He’s given us is the nation in which we live.  

Talk to Yourself

This is very helpful and encouraging for people like me who talk to themselves (don’t tell anyone).  I have to say aloud to myself things like “Don’t say that!” or “Don’t think that!” And I repeat gospel truths to myself regularly.  I remind myself that I’m forgiven, that I have access to God, and that God looks upon me favorably because of Jesus.  I remind myself of God’s approval and acceptance.  I do this because I am prone to forget.  We all are.  David was.  

Gospel Power – Morning Musings

For the first time since starting 3 services, I finally “hit the wall” in the 12:00 service yesterday.  I preached about 10-15 minutes shorter and when I got done, I thought that I might’ve left something out!  So, if you were in that service and you felt gypped ?, get the video/audio from the website tomorrow.  But man, was I tired.  Not sure what happened.   Now, onto…

Shame On You – Morning Musings

There’s a ton to get to after Sunday’s message, so let me say a few things at the outset: This is a little longer post than normal, so I’ve tried to highlight the various sections so you can skip to things that might interest you more.   I will be putting something this week about the President’s comments on Friday about churches and…

Dealing with a Christian’s Sin

There’s quite a bit that I want to say about Sunday’s sermon, so let’s just get right to it.   Sunday’s sermon: Let’s start with things that need some clarification: In one point of my sermon, I mentioned that some believe this COVID-19 thing is a hoax.  That needs to be cleaned up a bit.  Here’s my concern and here’s what I meant to say…regardless…

Anxiety & Rest – Morning Musings

There are many things about Bill Heard that have amazed me through the years and one of them was on display as he preached.  Here’s a guy who has literally spent thousands of hours reading/studying God’s word.  He’s literally studied Philippians 4:1-9 more than anyone I know and has used that text in counseling people for years.  And yet…when it came time for him to…