Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Hand reaches down from the clouds to a child's hand.

Missing Something?

In the last two posts, I have mentioned how I’ve been dealing with some spiritual ‘heart’ issues.  In the 34 years of Christian ministry, I have found that the Lord does not leave me alone, and He normally walks me through texts that I’m preaching on to get my attention.  That has been true over the last several weeks.  Some of you have asked me about this.  You’ve noticed a sober approach to my preaching that you haven’t seen before or that the sermons seem more personal than usual to me. 

Crumpled paper face silhouettes.

Combatting Our Culture

There are so many directions that a teacher could take on Genesis 12:10-20.  The amount of preparation for Sunday’s sermon and the differences in commentators was interesting.  It was a wonderful study, and I learned a ton.  I like hard texts like this, and I enjoy exegeting the text for interpretation and our congregation for application.  

Jesus Fulfills the Covenants

One of my favorite topics or ideas to preach on is big themes found in the Bible.  I tried to accomplish that on Sunday with an overview of the biblical covenants.  What’s challenging about doing overviews like this is knowing what to cut out and what to include that fits the overall big theme.   But teaching on big themes gives us the big picture of the Bible and begins to put things in perspective for us.