Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Great Commission and Life Together

I was reminded not to go through the motions and that God is evaluating our worship gatherings and my heart.  I was struck by the fact that Colossians 3:16 shows people singing to one another, where we remind one another of God’s faithfulness and our hope in the gospel.   I was encouraged to intentionally engage with the people of God in our gatherings by reminding them that they are part of the congregation, just like the worship team is part of the congregation.   

Motive, Message, Method

One of the reasons for our new series on the Great Commission is that we need to see how the everyday Christian life is to represent Jesus in a Genesis 3 world.  We see this clearly throughout the New Testament.  We hope to show how ‘minutely’ and ‘daily’ this making disciples is to be in our lives.  In this post, I’ll point us to the result of the Great Commission and show the importance of seeing how practical the Great Commission is.  

History and the Gospel

when the gospel is preached, believed, and submitted to, it does transformative work in people, nations, and cultures.  I hope you noticed the brief tracing I did through history about this.  We can get lied to by our media about how bad we have it.  We can get lied to by our culture that we don’t have enough “love” or “rights” for others.  But, if you look at cultures/nations that have Christian underpinnings, you will find that advances in science, medicine, education, and human flourishing are prevalent everywhere.