Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Faith and Works

I have been looking forward to getting back into Genesis. I enjoy expositional preaching and exegetical study. I knew when I planned to jump back in that we would start with Genesis 17 and the sign of the covenant: circumcision. So you can imagine my angst as I thought about how that might go.

Think Like a Farmer…

This made me consider generosity.  Most of the time, we ask questions like, ‘Can we afford to give?’  ‘Do we have enough at the end of the month to give?’  These are all good questions…for an accountant.  Farmer thinking would be, ‘How can I afford NOT to give? And ‘If I give at the front end of the month (sow), will God NOT fulfill His promise to meet me on the back of the month (reap)?’  

Faithfulness Doesn’t Capture Headlines

We’re tempted to trust in measurables in adversity.  When we look across the metaphorical battlefield and see an army bigger than ours or an enemy stronger than us, it could be the cultural war on morality, the business competitor flooding the market with their product, or the sin that so easily snares us. We measure our strength and capacity compared to others and are found wanting.  Then, we fret, worry, and stew (to quote Bill Heard).

Looking Beyond the Clouds

What struck me was how ‘real’ our sermon series in the Psalms had been to them and us.  I have noticed a remarkable theme through our summer psalms:  hardships and trials that seem to come without rhyme or reason.  We are left with asking the Lord to alleviate the pain, and we’re left with, ‘How long, O Lord?’  

Talk to Yourself

This is very helpful and encouraging for people like me who talk to themselves (don’t tell anyone).  I have to say aloud to myself things like “Don’t say that!” or “Don’t think that!” And I repeat gospel truths to myself regularly.  I remind myself that I’m forgiven, that I have access to God, and that God looks upon me favorably because of Jesus.  I remind myself of God’s approval and acceptance.  I do this because I am prone to forget.  We all are.  David was.  

Dying Daily

For a long time in my Christian life, I found myself on the “tread mill”. Things seemed to always be a big deal or worse or better than they actually were; I didn’t find much traction; or I was up and down spiritually. It was frustrating, to be honest. Then I spent more time in Romans 5-8.