Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


People aiding one another up a mountain at sunset.

Caring for One Another

It’s been a few weeks since my last post, and there are a few things that I’ve had stored up to share.  I have planned on writing each of the last few weeks, but inevitably something came up that kept me away from the keyboard.  Today, I’m finally able to get some things down.  I hope these things will inform and encourage you. 

Household & Work – Morning Musings

Let’s jump right into Sunday’s sermon stuff because there are several things that I’d like to say about it. Overarching theme: As I jumped into the study for Colossians 3:18-4:1, I was struck by the overarching theme of Colossians, which is Jesus is superior over all things and all people.  And what struck me (powerfully, I might add) was the posture that Jesus…