Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Disagreeing with Grace

I’m writing this on Memorial Day.  Like many of you, we will enjoy the day of rest, eat good food, and have family over for a BBQ.  It’s the official start of summer, and outdoor weather is here.  But today, my mind is drawn to another year of great freedoms in our great country.  I thank God for those who served in the military and your friends who gave their lives for our freedoms. Those freedoms should never be taken lightly; we should be grateful for them and the sacrifices paid to earn them.  God has been kind to us, and one of the great gifts He’s given us is the nation in which we live.  

Abram looks at the stars.

Lessons from Sarai and Hagar

I don’t know if enough attention gets drawn to the idols of our hearts.  Idols are generally not evil or sinful things. Usually, they are good things that we want too much and want now.  They move from desires to needs.  They become things we crave and think we cannot live without.  And they dominate our thinking.  

Hand reaches down from the clouds to a child's hand.

Missing Something?

In the last two posts, I have mentioned how I’ve been dealing with some spiritual ‘heart’ issues.  In the 34 years of Christian ministry, I have found that the Lord does not leave me alone, and He normally walks me through texts that I’m preaching on to get my attention.  That has been true over the last several weeks.  Some of you have asked me about this.  You’ve noticed a sober approach to my preaching that you haven’t seen before or that the sermons seem more personal than usual to me. 

Freedom for the Christian

Romans 6 talks about our real, spiritual union with Jesus.  It’s about how God sees our position and status before Him.  He not only relates with us based on Jesus’ righteousness, but He frees us from sin’s power and penalty because when Christ died, our old sinful self died with Him, and when Jesus was raised from the dead, our new man was raised with Him.  Sin’s power no longer enslaves, and sin’s penalty no longer hangs over our heads.  That’s what this text is really about.  

Dying Daily

For a long time in my Christian life, I found myself on the “tread mill”. Things seemed to always be a big deal or worse or better than they actually were; I didn’t find much traction; or I was up and down spiritually. It was frustrating, to be honest. Then I spent more time in Romans 5-8.

Morning Musings – May 15

It is so good to be back home in my home church. The Philippines trip was a good one and in the very near future, I will send out a report about that trip.  But it’s always good to be home.  I missed my family, dearly.  And I missed you.  There is nothing like worshipping Jesus with the church I love the most on earth.   Now,…