Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Sovereign Grace, Leadership, and More

I have always been reluctant to extend myself beyond my “borders” regarding leadership.  So, I declined anytime an outside organization asked me to serve on a board.  I did this because I want my time given to my family, church, and community.  And when it comes to community things, I’ve limited myself to the game of baseball because that’s about all I can handle.  I have also declined because I don’t “need” other leadership positions for my self-esteem or prestige.  In my younger years, this would’ve been a huge temptation, and part of my declination over the years has been to guard my soul against any speck of selfish ambition.  

Follow the “Fool” – Morning Musings

Well, the odd new normal, at least for a few more weeks, is upon us.  Doing live-stream wasn’t as weird as last week and working hard to speaking into the camera, isn’t as difficult.  However, I don’t know about you, but “doing” church in an empty building, makes me long for the days when we’re all together again.  After watching the President’s news briefing on…

Think Charitably – Morning Musings

Well, where to begin…I really have no idea, but off the top of my head, let me start with this past Sunday.   Thoughts on Sunday and Sunday’s sermon (I’m just going to randomly put ideas that have come up and these are in no particular order):   My wife has always told me that she can tell when I’m feeling awkward or a…