Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


All You Need is Love

Last Friday night, before heading home, I wrote down three different conclusions for Sunday’s sermon.  All three would be good.  But all three together would be confusing.  I let myself roll into Saturday and let the sermon ruminate in my head.  By the time Saturday night rolled around, I still did not have clarity on how to end the sermon.  I decided to get up extra early on Sunday and landed with the ending of 1 Corinthians 13 that I did.  There was quite a bit that I cut out of the sermon.  For most of this post, I’ll cover some items I cut out.  

Love God and Love Others

But there is a severe issue with this “love myself first” strategy. Namely, it is not the way that God created us. God created us to love God and love others, with the same type of “others-focus, sacrifice” that we find in the Godhead. So, the question is, what did Jesus mean by “love your neighbor as yourself”? Did He mean, “love yourself first, then you can love others like you’re loving yourself”? Or did He mean something else?  

Love the Gathering

One of the verses that I’ve kept at the forefront of my thinking has been Psalm 115:1, which says, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!” The Lord has been kind to give us wisdom, to help us resolve conflicts, add/subtract ministries, and given us the courage to share the gospel.

The Preeminence of Love

I think it’s very interesting how Paul put 1 Corinthians 13 right before his discussion about prophecy and tongues in chapter 14. Those two gifts, especially tongues, seemed to cause the most issue in Corinth. And…they’re still an issue today. That’s why we need the love chapter so desperately.

True Christianity

One challenge with preaching on a familiar text, like 1 Corinthians 13, is that it’s…familiar. When a text is so widely known, the danger for me is to try to be cute or “original”. You know what I mean…try to do something no one else has done. Well, with true biblical preaching, that’s a very serious danger.