Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


The Only Eternal Institution

The Church is the only eternal institution in the Bible.  The Church started before time began (Ephesians 1:3-6).  The Church is the only institution that Jesus said He would build, and the gates of hell would not overcome it (Matthew 16:18).  The Church was given by God to make disciples of all nations for the good of all nations.

Audience member clap

A Bit of Bragging

This is one of those posts where I brag about our church and our family of churches.  The weekend we just had gives me ample reasons for this, and I thought it would be great for you to hear about.

Marriage & Divorce

Marriages that represent Jesus and His church are desperately needed and the Lord has given us everything we need to serve Him faithfully in our marriages: the power to change; the grace to forgive; the church to mentor, counsel, & help; and His word to direct.

Household & Work – Morning Musings

Let’s jump right into Sunday’s sermon stuff because there are several things that I’d like to say about it. Overarching theme: As I jumped into the study for Colossians 3:18-4:1, I was struck by the overarching theme of Colossians, which is Jesus is superior over all things and all people.  And what struck me (powerfully, I might add) was the posture that Jesus…