Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Peace and Fighting

I’m a warrior at heart.  I like competition, and I don’t mind getting in the fray. However, I have learned through the years that living a “peaceful and quiet life” has afforded more opportunities for the gospel than being loud and aggressive. I have learned through the years when to fight and when to create conflict (even though I don’t believe that’s what happened).  

Lack of Peace and Israel

But one reason I didn’t mention is that sometimes we lack peace because we knowingly sin against God.  You can see this example in Genesis 4 when Cain offered a sacrifice that God did not receive.  He instantly lacked peace.  As Christians, this happens to us, as well.  Conviction of sin can cause anxiety when we don’t repent.  This is a kindness of God.  It’s a way that He shows us that there’s a better way to live.