Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Talk to Yourself

This is very helpful and encouraging for people like me who talk to themselves (don’t tell anyone).  I have to say aloud to myself things like “Don’t say that!” or “Don’t think that!” And I repeat gospel truths to myself regularly.  I remind myself that I’m forgiven, that I have access to God, and that God looks upon me favorably because of Jesus.  I remind myself of God’s approval and acceptance.  I do this because I am prone to forget.  We all are.  David was.  

Dying Daily

For a long time in my Christian life, I found myself on the “tread mill”. Things seemed to always be a big deal or worse or better than they actually were; I didn’t find much traction; or I was up and down spiritually. It was frustrating, to be honest. Then I spent more time in Romans 5-8.

Shadows & Substance – Morning Musings

There are times when writing a sermon that questions pop up in my mind that I feel the urgency to answer.  Many times those questions are for me, personally.  But there are times when the questions I’m wrestling with are ones that the church needs answered as well.  Such was the case in Sunday’s sermon on Colossians 2:16-23.  The question that has been lingering in my…

Strained – Morning Musings

There are so many moments in public speaking that you just have no idea what happened.  One of those happened Sunday, when my voice began to leave me, during a section where I was straining my voice, and voila…sounded like I was going through puberty again.  All I can do in those moments is: 1) laugh at myself…believe me, I’ve done far more weird…