Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Peace and Fighting

I’m a warrior at heart.  I like competition, and I don’t mind getting in the fray. However, I have learned through the years that living a “peaceful and quiet life” has afforded more opportunities for the gospel than being loud and aggressive. I have learned through the years when to fight and when to create conflict (even though I don’t believe that’s what happened).  

God Accomplishes His Perfect Purposes

In my sermon on Genesis 20, a question came to me about God’s sovereignty over human sin.  I stated that God works with, in, and through human sin to accomplish His purposes.  I placed a high view of God’s sovereignty and made it clear that even though Abraham sinned, God’s purposes were not thwarted, and God used Abraham’s sin to accomplish His purposes. 

Freedom for the Christian

Romans 6 talks about our real, spiritual union with Jesus.  It’s about how God sees our position and status before Him.  He not only relates with us based on Jesus’ righteousness, but He frees us from sin’s power and penalty because when Christ died, our old sinful self died with Him, and when Jesus was raised from the dead, our new man was raised with Him.  Sin’s power no longer enslaves, and sin’s penalty no longer hangs over our heads.  That’s what this text is really about.