Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Sovereign Grace Churches

Hope Found in God’s Character

When hard things happen, if we think God’s character is sinister, mean, or, at minimum, can’t be trusted, that makes us hopeless.  But, if we believe that God’s nature is always good, loving, and merciful, then we know that He has reasons for these hard things, and His reasons are good, loving, and merciful.  Even if we don’t understand ‘why’ they’re happening.  What we believe about God’s character affects our hope. 

SGC Conference to Home

The last Saturday I wasn’t out of town or didn’t have a ministry event was September 2nd.  Since September, I have traveled to Denver, Manila, Bend, and Orlando.  In between, we’ve had local conferences and weddings.  I realize I’m weak compared to many of you who travel a lot, but I’m happy to be home now for a while.  I don’t have another travel week planned for ministry until March.  It feels nice to unpack my bags and put my feet up finally.