Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Spiritual Growth

Embracing God’s Plan Through Trials

One of my trepidations about preaching about trials is the question:  “Are trials in our near future?”  Some have told me they might not be at church often during this series because of that (they said that sarcastically…even though I haven’t seen them at church lately😂).   But the reality is that many in our church are already in the throws of earthly pain, and I’m grateful that this series has served our church and them.  Several of them have mentioned how helpful this series had been to them, and like so many in our church, they’re leaning into what God is teaching them. 

More on Psalm 27

Life did not get easier after that memorable night. I wrestled with the frustration of what my place in our family was after my father’s death. I was that “poor wandering sheep” that Henry described. Thanks to God He took me up, all be it bleating loudly, and brought me into His secure sheepfold. Maybe you also wrestle with the tension of confidence in the LORD’s strength and the fear or desire for control in your own life. As one guy walking next to you, I’m here to remind you the LORD is a far superior shepherd than we could ever hope to be. Seek His face. Inquire in His temple. Ask the LORD to teach you His way and lead you on a level path. He will do it.

One Spirit, Many Gifts

One of the things that I’ve been particularly burdened about as a pastor is to take the ‘weirdness’ out of spiritual gifts and if I can be frank here, take the ‘weirdness’ out of being a Christian. By that, I acknowledge that there will be times when being a Christian or God doing something miraculous will seem ‘weird’.

Train Yourslef

As I prepared for this week, I was very mindful of so many of the “ironic” cultural moments. I mentioned several of them in the sermon: abortion clinics being open and churches being closed; gathering to worship Jesus is deemed a public hazard, while gathering in a protest is deemed honorable…but to be honest, there’s so many of these ironic issues that it literally makes your head spin.

How Majestic is Your Name – Morning Musing

One of the challenges of doing multiple services is that it really doesn’t matter what you try, no 2 services are the same.  One feel rushed, the other feels too slow.  One feels forced, the other feels free-flowing.  One feels like there’s a time crunch, the other feels like there’s no clock.  However, this past Sunday was different…both services were the same.  They had the same pacing,…

Demonstration of Spirit & Power – Morning Musings

Restraint…that was what I had to tell myself this past week as I prepared for Sunday’s sermon.  This text has literally been a guardrail for what I have sought to do.  While not perfect, it has been desire each week to honor the Lord by “knowing nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”   Overriding thoughts: When I ‘cut my teeth’ on ministry,…

Shadows & Substance – Morning Musings

There are times when writing a sermon that questions pop up in my mind that I feel the urgency to answer.  Many times those questions are for me, personally.  But there are times when the questions I’m wrestling with are ones that the church needs answered as well.  Such was the case in Sunday’s sermon on Colossians 2:16-23.  The question that has been lingering in my…

Strained – Morning Musings

There are so many moments in public speaking that you just have no idea what happened.  One of those happened Sunday, when my voice began to leave me, during a section where I was straining my voice, and voila…sounded like I was going through puberty again.  All I can do in those moments is: 1) laugh at myself…believe me, I’ve done far more weird…