Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Embracing God’s Plan Through Trials

One of my trepidations about preaching about trials is the question:  “Are trials in our near future?”  Some have told me they might not be at church often during this series because of that (they said that sarcastically…even though I haven’t seen them at church lately😂).   But the reality is that many in our church are already in the throws of earthly pain, and I’m grateful that this series has served our church and them.  Several of them have mentioned how helpful this series had been to them, and like so many in our church, they’re leaning into what God is teaching them. 


Rick’s sermon ends a study this summer of many Psalms of lament. I’m grateful we covered psalms like this for a few reasons: 1) it gave us biblical answers and hope; 2) it gave us categories for times when life doesn’t make sense; 3) it shows that we’re a congregation that doesn’t want to ignore hard things in God’s word. Each teacher this summer did a wonderful job of laying out truths from God’s word that we hard to hear. But those hard-to-hear things were from hard-to-hear inspired texts from God that are good for our souls. 

More on Psalm 27

Life did not get easier after that memorable night. I wrestled with the frustration of what my place in our family was after my father’s death. I was that “poor wandering sheep” that Henry described. Thanks to God He took me up, all be it bleating loudly, and brought me into His secure sheepfold. Maybe you also wrestle with the tension of confidence in the LORD’s strength and the fear or desire for control in your own life. As one guy walking next to you, I’m here to remind you the LORD is a far superior shepherd than we could ever hope to be. Seek His face. Inquire in His temple. Ask the LORD to teach you His way and lead you on a level path. He will do it.