Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from March 2019

Morning Musing – Mar. 26

Let’s start this edition of musings off with a minor correction from Sunday (some of you might think this is major)…I know that I misstated which superhero tossed Loki around and called him “puny god”…it was Hulk…I had it written in my notes correctly, but got so excited that I said it was Thor who did that…oops…and yes, you know you’re a…

Morning Musings – Mar. 18

My daughter, Abi, who’s one of our most direct, honest communicators, said to me last night…”Dad, I have to admit, I can never tell a difference between your inside voice and your outside voice.”  My voice isn’t in “mid-season form” yet, as one of my coaches recently told me and luckily the Lord kept me from sounding like I had gone back to…

Morning Musings – Mar. 14

Well, two weeks in a row now, we have hit on topics in Galatians 4 that have inspired me and challenged me.  These texts really get my emotions flowing because of their content and depth.  Galatians 4:21-31 is definitely one of the most challenging texts to preach on and one of the most challenging to understand.  My prayer is that I was able to preach…

Morning Musings – Mar. 5

There are many passages of Scripture that are difficult to preach from because of interpretation challenges. Then there are passages that are hard to preach from because of the emotions those texts bring.  Our text from Sunday was one of those.  The reason this text had so many emotions in it is because of the pastoral emotions that Paul mentions.  As a pastor, I can…

Mike Keller’s Thoughts on Romance

No one will ever have a successful marriage, let alone one filled with intimacy and romance without a firm understanding of what that is supposed to look like form a biblical standpoint.  (Ephesians 5) Every marriage is unique because couples are unique.  Your marriage will not look exactly like mine or anyone else’s.  But every marriage between two born again believers joined…