Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts from July 2022

The Transfer of Kingdoms

Romans 6 is a breath-taking look at how the power and penalty of sin do not dominate our lives anymore.  It is a text about true freedom.  Freedom to live as God intended and the joy that living in that freedom brings us.  It’s a chapter about how sanctification (being more like Jesus) happens in our lives.  It’s a chapter that shows us the reality and power of Christ’s work for us and how that reality works itself out in our everyday lives.  

Freedom for the Christian

Romans 6 talks about our real, spiritual union with Jesus.  It’s about how God sees our position and status before Him.  He not only relates with us based on Jesus’ righteousness, but He frees us from sin’s power and penalty because when Christ died, our old sinful self died with Him, and when Jesus was raised from the dead, our new man was raised with Him.  Sin’s power no longer enslaves, and sin’s penalty no longer hangs over our heads.  That’s what this text is really about.  

Let Truth Win Our Hearts

So, one of my prayers for our nation is a prayer I have for our church (which is who this blog post is for), is this:  that we would be respectful, grace-filled people, who treat others who disagree with us with gentleness and kindness, and we commit ourselves to let truth win our hearts.  It’s a big ask for the nation, but it’s not a big prayer for our church.