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Posts from April 2024

Unraveling the Unconventional

When you read this prophecy in Genesis 25:23, it’s essential to see this correctly.  In the stories of Isaac/Ishmael and Jacob/Esau, the older will serve the younger.  But we could also say the first will serve the last.  Just because something comes first in order does not mean it’s first in prominence.  

Think of Adam.  Adam is called the first Adam.  Jesus is called the last Adam.  See?  

The world’s system values the order of things: first in class, firstborn, and first in position.  God values something else.

Thoughts on Genesis 25

Genesis 25 is a bit of a bear.  There’s the death of Abraham and Ishmael—the transition to Isaac, and the introduction to Jacob and Esau.  As I stated in my post last week, Genesis 25 was on the docket for this past Sunday.  However, once I started looking at it more closely, I had no idea how to cover it. I broke into separate sermons.  We will cover Genesis 25:12-34 this coming Sunday.  

But there are two things from this Sunday’s sermon that I’d like to expound on a bit more in this post.

Trusting God’s Timing

Hallelujah!  What a Savior! Wasn’t that a great day at church?  Resurrection Day service followed by baptisms was a great way to celebrate our Savior.  I was reminded on Sunday about Luke 15:7, when Jesus said, “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”  The joy of our people hearing testimonies and observing baptisms was heaven-like.  What a day!