Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


No Longer The “Cool” Kids

This new series that we began on Sunday is one that I’ve been looking forward to teaching.  Most of that is because of the cultural moment we find ourselves in being “on the outside looking in.”  But also, I know how refreshing it was to my soul to spend in the Minor Prophets.  I found solace in the fact that these prophets spoke forthrightly and directly to God’s people about their sins and how they should think during their time in exile.

Train Yourslef

As I prepared for this week, I was very mindful of so many of the “ironic” cultural moments. I mentioned several of them in the sermon: abortion clinics being open and churches being closed; gathering to worship Jesus is deemed a public hazard, while gathering in a protest is deemed honorable…but to be honest, there’s so many of these ironic issues that it literally makes your head spin.