Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


God’s Final Word

When we recognize that Jesus is God’s final revelation about His character and how to be right with Him, we can stop wrestling in our souls. Here’s what I mean: so often, we feel like we need to be in the “center” of God’s will. We need to have some clear, discernible, ‘word’ from God about our lives. And if we don’t, we’re missing out on “God’s best”.

Hearing God Speak – Morning Musings

Well, it’s been a few weeks since I sent out my musings.  Lots has happened.  Doesn’t it feel like the world is changing every few hours?  I look up from my desk or head out the field and it seems like something new has been recommended, required, or ordered.  I’ve literally had to keep my “head on a swivel”… Since our last time, we had our…

Bible Reading Plans

This past Sunday we started a new sermon series on the Sufficiency of Scripture. It was fun. There are times and themes that we teach on periodically that are just a blast to talk about. And this one is one of those themes for me. I can’t wait to learn throughout this month how Scripture is sufficient to equip me, help me…