Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.


Creating Culture

As I stated on Sunday, our main reason for covering the shaping virtues is to show what we believe defines gospel culture in a church—most who stay for very long experience this at CLF.  But knowing why it’s important and how it’s happened is important.  

Acting Human – Morning Musings

There are times when I feel my weakness while preaching more than others.  Sunday was one of those and these are days that are like milestones or stand out days that remind me of God’s faithfulness to His people, over and over.  There were a couple of reasons for this:  1)  This was the longest manuscript I had taken to the pulpit in quite a long…

Honor – Morning Musings

Thoughts on Sunday’s sermon: Over the course of last week, our discussion around Sunday was how to handle a text like Philippians 2:19-30, which doesn’t seem to afford a ton of explanation (because it’s pretty clear) and it’s mainly about 2 guys:  Timothy and Epaphroditus.  My thought heading into this text was to look at the overall narrative of Philippians and also to see…

True Humility – Morning Musings

About the sermon: There are times when the Lord uses a particular text to preach to me.  For some reason, since we’ve been in Philippians, it has felt like the Lord has been preaching to me more than normal.  This past Sunday was no exception.  I received some unexpected news last weekend and the thought of counting others more significant than myself and looking out…