Worship Jesus. Serve Jesus. Love others.

Posts by Dave York (Page 2)

Christmas Is Here

I must admit that I’ve always been a bit of a non-traditionalist when it comes to the church history calendar.  I cannot explain it except for my youthful zeal.  Honestly, I’ve watched churches and people observe traditions, without any connect to the gospel, heart-transformation, or life-adjustments and I just haven’t had any flavor for it.  So, I’ve rejected some really good things, like Advent, because I “threw the baby out with the bathwater”. 

Musings From The Weekend

Here’s what I desire for CLF:  I want us to be courageous to make decisions that we have prayed about, researched, and we believe are best for us and our families, without the fear of being criticized or falsely accused.  Further, I want us to be a church that can have openness of dialogue on very hard issues, be able to disagree, yet not hold one another at “arms length”.  

Verse 29 and More

In Sunday’s text, we ran into 1 Corinthians 15:29 that’s just really hard to translate.  So, without giving you hundreds of different approaches/interpretations of this, let me just offer two of them that I think are the most plausible.

Posture in the Gospel

In both sermons I thought, “with the treasure that I have in Christ, why do I not read God’s word more and pray more often?”  My prayer is that I will apply the things I’ve heard from these two wonderful men.  

After the Ballpark

Sunday was amazing.  When we go to the baseball field, I get the unique privilege being in the 1st base dugout until it’s time to preach.  The viewpoint from down there is awesome.  I can hear the crowd singing, see the entirety of the group, and watch.


I literally can allow situations to dominate my thinking, my time, and my headspace.  (Anyone else?) And, because I’m naturally persuaded by my own arguments or ideas (which is pride), I have a tendency to not listen very well to another perspective.  Or to put it in the above metaphor, when the Lord tries to pull the binoculars away from my face to correct how I look through them, I anxiously pull them back to the way I like them.  

God’s Final Word

When we recognize that Jesus is God’s final revelation about His character and how to be right with Him, we can stop wrestling in our souls. Here’s what I mean: so often, we feel like we need to be in the “center” of God’s will. We need to have some clear, discernible, ‘word’ from God about our lives. And if we don’t, we’re missing out on “God’s best”.

The Wisdom of God

It’s crazy to think that the last time we were all together in 1 service was March 15, 2020. Our church has responded very well to the changes in the past year. Together, we have served each other, worked to make changes in our church services possible, and we have grown in grace and in number. Sunday was another expression of God’s grace among us.

Love the Gathering

One of the verses that I’ve kept at the forefront of my thinking has been Psalm 115:1, which says, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!” The Lord has been kind to give us wisdom, to help us resolve conflicts, add/subtract ministries, and given us the courage to share the gospel.

All Things Done in Order

Well…we safely made it through 1 Corinthians 14! There was no food fight in the cafeteria and we came out the other side with no one hanging from the rafters or doing cartwheels down the aisles! Seriously, it has been a very good time for our church as we studied 1 Corinthians 11-14.

The Preeminence of Love

I think it’s very interesting how Paul put 1 Corinthians 13 right before his discussion about prophecy and tongues in chapter 14. Those two gifts, especially tongues, seemed to cause the most issue in Corinth. And…they’re still an issue today. That’s why we need the love chapter so desperately.

True Christianity

One challenge with preaching on a familiar text, like 1 Corinthians 13, is that it’s…familiar. When a text is so widely known, the danger for me is to try to be cute or “original”. You know what I mean…try to do something no one else has done. Well, with true biblical preaching, that’s a very serious danger.

One Spirit, Many Gifts

One of the things that I’ve been particularly burdened about as a pastor is to take the ‘weirdness’ out of spiritual gifts and if I can be frank here, take the ‘weirdness’ out of being a Christian. By that, I acknowledge that there will be times when being a Christian or God doing something miraculous will seem ‘weird’.

Covenant Loyalty

In my years in the ministry, I have found that people like to put on fronts, like to protect their reputations, and are afraid of being exposed. I’ve said often, “everyone wants accountability until they get it.” It’s true. We’ll ask off-the-wall questions, make untrue accusations, and even remember things that never happened…all for the sake of the cover-up.

The Church

There is so much to be said about the Church. I really wanted to help all of us see how the Church benefits to our souls. The combo of “drawing near to God” and “drawing near to one another” was challenging for us. Especially in the independent and isolated Northwest. My hope was that we would see how valuable and precious the family gatherings are to us and that we should make them a priority in our lives and calendars.

Dying Daily

For a long time in my Christian life, I found myself on the “tread mill”. Things seemed to always be a big deal or worse or better than they actually were; I didn’t find much traction; or I was up and down spiritually. It was frustrating, to be honest. Then I spent more time in Romans 5-8.

God With Us

I love preaching at CLF. I love my “home field” and I am eager each week to see the “upturned faces” and m hope each week is to turn those faces to their Savior and King, who is the best Shepherd and pastor.

Free to Surrender

There are so many various directions that a text like 1 Corinthians 9:1-18 can take you, that’s it’s tough to stay on track. My hope from Sunday was to make sure that we noticed/remembered the context of 1 Corinthians 8 because it plays itself out in 1 Corinthians 9.

Present Distress

The texts from 1 Corinthians 7 have been incredibly challenging to interpret and then make clear. Much of the dilemma is cultural, but the syntax, grammar, and language also made these sections really hard. So, my prayer is that throughout this chapter, it has been clear and hopefully, encouraging and helpful.

Marriage & Divorce

Marriages that represent Jesus and His church are desperately needed and the Lord has given us everything we need to serve Him faithfully in our marriages: the power to change; the grace to forgive; the church to mentor, counsel, & help; and His word to direct.

Train Yourslef

As I prepared for this week, I was very mindful of so many of the “ironic” cultural moments. I mentioned several of them in the sermon: abortion clinics being open and churches being closed; gathering to worship Jesus is deemed a public hazard, while gathering in a protest is deemed honorable…but to be honest, there’s so many of these ironic issues that it literally makes your head spin.

Thoughts While Away

The past couple of weeks have allowed me some needed time off.  As a general rule, the elders have asked that I am in the pulpit at least 44 out of 52 Sundays. This allows for our church to benefit from the wide-range of other men, who can preach God’s word to us.  One of the joyful challenges we’re currently facing is that we…

How Majestic is Your Name – Morning Musing

One of the challenges of doing multiple services is that it really doesn’t matter what you try, no 2 services are the same.  One feel rushed, the other feels too slow.  One feels forced, the other feels free-flowing.  One feels like there’s a time crunch, the other feels like there’s no clock.  However, this past Sunday was different…both services were the same.  They had the same pacing,…

A Contrite Heart – Morning Musings

This past Sunday was a unique one for me.  I was able to take the Sunday off, be a church member, and sit with my family.  It was amazing.  I really enjoyed being part of the crowd and not having any responsibilities, except to fellowship, sing, pray, listen and heed God’s word being preached, and pray for all involved.  It really was a joy.  Sitting with my…

Hearing God Speak – Morning Musings

Well, it’s been a few weeks since I sent out my musings.  Lots has happened.  Doesn’t it feel like the world is changing every few hours?  I look up from my desk or head out the field and it seems like something new has been recommended, required, or ordered.  I’ve literally had to keep my “head on a swivel”… Since our last time, we had our…

Gospel Power – Morning Musings

For the first time since starting 3 services, I finally “hit the wall” in the 12:00 service yesterday.  I preached about 10-15 minutes shorter and when I got done, I thought that I might’ve left something out!  So, if you were in that service and you felt gypped ?, get the video/audio from the website tomorrow.  But man, was I tired.  Not sure what happened.   Now, onto…

Bought With A Price – Morning Musings

Well, Sunday with 90/service went off without a hitch.  Amazing Sunday!  I’m very grateful for the way you have navigated through this season.  CLF, you continue to amaze me with your gratitude, generosity, and eagerness.  Thank you.   Here are several things from Sunday’s sermon that I didn’t cover: Christian Freedoms with food/drink: One of the issues in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 that we didn’t cover was how…

Shame On You – Morning Musings

There’s a ton to get to after Sunday’s message, so let me say a few things at the outset: This is a little longer post than normal, so I’ve tried to highlight the various sections so you can skip to things that might interest you more.   I will be putting something this week about the President’s comments on Friday about churches and…

Lessons in the Pandemic – Morning Musings

A full day of services, preaching 3 services, and hearing other voices in the church building…let the musings begin. Sunday’s services: I cannot tell you how excited I was (and am) about Sunday’s services.  It’s the first time since March 15th that we had an in-person church service.  I didn’t sleep well (more on that in a moment) but I was full of faith…

Dealing with a Christian’s Sin

There’s quite a bit that I want to say about Sunday’s sermon, so let’s just get right to it.   Sunday’s sermon: Let’s start with things that need some clarification: In one point of my sermon, I mentioned that some believe this COVID-19 thing is a hoax.  That needs to be cleaned up a bit.  Here’s my concern and here’s what I meant to say…regardless…

Remove This One – Morning Musings

Sunday’s sermon was challenging on a few levels.  One, the text was challenging.  Two, not having people in the building to look at, to insure that the concepts were coming across clearly, was challenging.  Three, there is so much more to say on this text.  So, what I hope to do in this edition of ‘musings’ is to explain a little more.    Sunday’s sermon: One…

How to Not Divide the Church – Morning Musings

In the weirdness of our times, I really cannot thank you guys enough.  Our church has been so encouraging and helpful throughout this time.  I’ve heard from many of you, expressing your gratitude, as well as giving us areas of improvement.  The gracious critiques, as well as the encouraging words from you have been amazing.  Thank you!   Also, coming up in the coming weeks, after hearing…

He is Not Here, He is Risen – Morning Musings

As we set out to plan the Easter series, our hope was to give you online content that would encourage you and prepare you for Easter Sunday.  We really cannot thank you enough for the notes of appreciation and how this series helped you.  I’ve said this a number of times, but I’m very grateful for Perry’s work in recording, editing, coaching me along,…

Hosanna in the Highest – Morning Musings

These are just some ramblings about a variety of things that I hope will give some thought and insight into what we’re thinking during this really odd time in our country.  Not to mention, I hope it will give you some thoughts on what we’re learning (CLF Staff anyway) through all of this.   Thoughts on Sunday’s sermon and “Easter in Real Time” video…

Follow the “Fool” – Morning Musings

Well, the odd new normal, at least for a few more weeks, is upon us.  Doing live-stream wasn’t as weird as last week and working hard to speaking into the camera, isn’t as difficult.  However, I don’t know about you, but “doing” church in an empty building, makes me long for the days when we’re all together again.  After watching the President’s news briefing on…

Think Charitably – Morning Musings

Well, where to begin…I really have no idea, but off the top of my head, let me start with this past Sunday.   Thoughts on Sunday and Sunday’s sermon (I’m just going to randomly put ideas that have come up and these are in no particular order):   My wife has always told me that she can tell when I’m feeling awkward or a…

Updates – Regarding Upcoming Sundays, Groups, and Classes

CLF Family, As I mentioned in my letter last week to you, these are unprecedented times for us.  I think I’ve said, texted, and emailed words like: “unreal”, “shock”, “unimaginable”, more than I have at any other time in my life.  Those words really describe my emotions.  It certainly seems like there are some days where things ratchet up and go at…

Don’t Deceive Yourselves – Morning Musings

Well, a ton happened this past week and I wasn’t able to get musings out last week, so I’ll try to keep this post just on some recent happenings.  I hope this gives you some insight into how some decisions are made at CLF and why they’re made.   A deep bench: First, I think it’s important to highlight an important thing that’s happened…

Acting Human – Morning Musings

There are times when I feel my weakness while preaching more than others.  Sunday was one of those and these are days that are like milestones or stand out days that remind me of God’s faithfulness to His people, over and over.  There were a couple of reasons for this:  1)  This was the longest manuscript I had taken to the pulpit in quite a long…

Demonstration of Spirit & Power – Morning Musings

Restraint…that was what I had to tell myself this past week as I prepared for Sunday’s sermon.  This text has literally been a guardrail for what I have sought to do.  While not perfect, it has been desire each week to honor the Lord by “knowing nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”   Overriding thoughts: When I ‘cut my teeth’ on ministry,…

The Foolishness of God – Morning Musings

A clarifications/improvement:  Like I do many times, I wish I would’ve said some things differently on Sunday.  Here’s one from yesterday: There are times when I’m writing my manuscript and reviewing it, that I get a “check” in my mind about a statement.  Many times, I’ve learned to listen to this and change what I’ve written. But yesterday, I didn’t and I should have.  It came…

Danger of Division-Morning Musings

Several weeks ago, I made a snarky comment from the pulpit about us singing some songs that even I don’t like.  Well, let me say this…”Only a Holy God” is not one of those!  Introducing that song to our church was something I’ve been eagerly looking forward to. And our team did a great job with that.  In that same vein of thought, this is…

Much To Be Thankful For – Morning Musings

Sunday’s text is one of my favorites because of the leadership lessons it’s taught me through the years.  Further, it’s one of my favorites because of how much God and Jesus are mentioned, with regards to the Corinthian church’s gifts and abilities.  Studying that text and then teaching on it, was a lot of fun.  Convicting, challenging, and enjoyable.   From the cutting room floor:  For…

Intro to 1 Corinthians -Morning Musings

Morning Musings Well, I’ve got to admit…I got lost in the holiday season.  I took a couple of weeks off from my normal routines and I found that it was much more difficult to get back in the groove again.  So, let’s give this a shot and try to give you a few thoughts from this past Sunday.    The last 2 sermons have…

Household & Work – Morning Musings

Let’s jump right into Sunday’s sermon stuff because there are several things that I’d like to say about it. Overarching theme: As I jumped into the study for Colossians 3:18-4:1, I was struck by the overarching theme of Colossians, which is Jesus is superior over all things and all people.  And what struck me (powerfully, I might add) was the posture that Jesus…

Shadows & Substance – Morning Musings

There are times when writing a sermon that questions pop up in my mind that I feel the urgency to answer.  Many times those questions are for me, personally.  But there are times when the questions I’m wrestling with are ones that the church needs answered as well.  Such was the case in Sunday’s sermon on Colossians 2:16-23.  The question that has been lingering in my…

Delivered & Transferred – Morning Musings

This past week, I had more extra-local phone calls that normal, but I thought one call would be one that you’d enjoy hearing about.  About once/month, I get to talk with Luis Castellanos, pastor at Taproot Church in Burien, WA.  Most of you know Luis, but for those that don’t:  Luis faithfully served at CLF for about 5 years as our administrator and youth pastor.  He…

The Gospel in the World – Morning Musings

Yesterday’s sermon reminded me of a time when I was younger and a lady came up to my first pastor after he had preached about the gospel and said, “preacher, keep telling me that old story, over and over again.”  It was one of those days at CLF yesterday…being reminded by God that the gospel is His power and the gospel of Jesus…

Content In All Things – Morning Musings

From the amount of texts that I’ve received about yesterday’s sermon, it seems that it hit a chord with many of you.  I’m really glad to hear the encouragement, as well as the ways the Lord used the sermon to challenge you.  It’s another reason why I’m grateful for God’s work at CLF.  You are very sensitive to the Lord’s work and you’re passionate to…

Anxiety & Rest – Morning Musings

There are many things about Bill Heard that have amazed me through the years and one of them was on display as he preached.  Here’s a guy who has literally spent thousands of hours reading/studying God’s word.  He’s literally studied Philippians 4:1-9 more than anyone I know and has used that text in counseling people for years.  And yet…when it came time for him to…

Strained – Morning Musings

There are so many moments in public speaking that you just have no idea what happened.  One of those happened Sunday, when my voice began to leave me, during a section where I was straining my voice, and voila…sounded like I was going through puberty again.  All I can do in those moments is: 1) laugh at myself…believe me, I’ve done far more weird…

Boasting in Christ – Morning Musings

One challenge of preaching from texts like Philippians 3:1-11, is that it is so familiar to most, that it’s hard to look at it with a “fresh set of eyes.”  This text is by far my favorite in Philippians and it’s been one of those life-altering texts for me through the years.  I am grateful that the Lord gave us this passage, to look…

Honor – Morning Musings

Thoughts on Sunday’s sermon: Over the course of last week, our discussion around Sunday was how to handle a text like Philippians 2:19-30, which doesn’t seem to afford a ton of explanation (because it’s pretty clear) and it’s mainly about 2 guys:  Timothy and Epaphroditus.  My thought heading into this text was to look at the overall narrative of Philippians and also to see…

True Humility – Morning Musings

About the sermon: There are times when the Lord uses a particular text to preach to me.  For some reason, since we’ve been in Philippians, it has felt like the Lord has been preaching to me more than normal.  This past Sunday was no exception.  I received some unexpected news last weekend and the thought of counting others more significant than myself and looking out…

To Live – Morning Musings

This past week, as I was thinking through various things (kids starting school, the blitz of a summer, leadership meeting, Sunday gathering, Sovereign Grace Council of Elders, etc.), I was reminded of Paul’s word in 1 Corinthians 4:7 when he wrote, “What do you have that you have not received?” A phrase like this causes you to pause of a moment and…

Walk in Love – Morning Musings

One of the challenges of preaching a text like Ephesians 5:1-14 is how straight-forward it is.  There is really no wiggle room and there is very little elaboration from Paul.  On the flip side, it’s a challenge because the text is so straight forward, there’s not a lot of examples that have to be given for explanation.  Some have asked me if it’s hard on…

The Way You Learned Jesus – Morning Musings

It’s always interesting to me the way that things ‘go’ during a sermon that I didn’t necessary expect.  For one, I was really uncertain how to close the sermon yesterday.  I had a few thoughts written down but nothing seemed to settle in my mind about it.  Then, when I was working through the prep all week, the sermon never seemed as somber as it…

Equipped for Service – Morning Musings

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned a sermon by Thomas Chalmers. I couldn’t remember the name of the sermon, until…the moment I walked off the stage:).  This sermon is about how a growing affection for Jesus, will expel sin from our hearts.  This is a sermon that’s great for people like us….who’s hearts are “a factory of idols.”  Here’s the link that will lead…

Philippines Report

Well, after a really crazy spring, I thought I would take this musings to give you a report about my Philippines trip.   Last year, I was approached by our Sovereign Grace leaders about helping out with ministry partnerships in the Philippines.  For almost 10 years now, I have had a growing passion for that country, for reasons unknown to me.  I had a friend,…

Morning Musings – May 15

It is so good to be back home in my home church. The Philippines trip was a good one and in the very near future, I will send out a report about that trip.  But it’s always good to be home.  I missed my family, dearly.  And I missed you.  There is nothing like worshipping Jesus with the church I love the most on earth.   Now,…

Morning Musings – Apr. 15

The tension in the room was palpable when I read through Ephesians 1:1-10 on Sunday.  I always find it interesting, when God’s word is read to a congregation, to “feel” the “gasps” or the “anticipation” about what is in the text.  Many people told me after Sunday…”I was wondering where you were going with that text!”  My sincerest hope on Sunday was for us to…

Morning Musing -Apr. 9

I was asked this question after church yesterday and I thought it would be a good way to start: “how do I boast in Christ, when I’ve got to bid on jobs and try to sell what my company does?” That’s a fantastic question. Here was my answer: boasting in Christ does not mean, “let go and let God”. Nor is it…

Morning Musing – Mar. 26

Let’s start this edition of musings off with a minor correction from Sunday (some of you might think this is major)…I know that I misstated which superhero tossed Loki around and called him “puny god”…it was Hulk…I had it written in my notes correctly, but got so excited that I said it was Thor who did that…oops…and yes, you know you’re a…

Morning Musings – Mar. 18

My daughter, Abi, who’s one of our most direct, honest communicators, said to me last night…”Dad, I have to admit, I can never tell a difference between your inside voice and your outside voice.”  My voice isn’t in “mid-season form” yet, as one of my coaches recently told me and luckily the Lord kept me from sounding like I had gone back to…

Morning Musings – Mar. 14

Well, two weeks in a row now, we have hit on topics in Galatians 4 that have inspired me and challenged me.  These texts really get my emotions flowing because of their content and depth.  Galatians 4:21-31 is definitely one of the most challenging texts to preach on and one of the most challenging to understand.  My prayer is that I was able to preach…

Morning Musings – Mar. 5

There are many passages of Scripture that are difficult to preach from because of interpretation challenges. Then there are passages that are hard to preach from because of the emotions those texts bring.  Our text from Sunday was one of those.  The reason this text had so many emotions in it is because of the pastoral emotions that Paul mentions.  As a pastor, I can…

Morning Musings – Feb. 27

On Saturday afternoon, prior to the Marriage Banquet, I texted the elders this:   “Hey guys, as you know Galatians 4:1-7 is one of the most dense, glorious texts on redemption in Paul’s writings. Would you pray for 2 things: 1) that I could do this text the justice it deserves. God has been really kind in my prep this week & my…

Morning Musings – Feb. 21

I’m still laughing this morning at one of the weirdest moments in preaching that happened yesterday in my 29 years of preaching…I forgot what I was talking about in the middle of my sermon! Those of you who know me best, were giving me that “you’ve literally just lost your mind” look.  It was so fun…and scary at the same time.  Weird.  I’m glad I got…

Morning Musings – Feb. 4

I received this fitting text from Bruce Wells, one of our faithful members, on Monday: Run John, run the law commands; But gives you neither feet nor hands.Far better news the gospel brings.It bids you fly and gives you wings” -John Bunyan What a fitting way to describe Sunday’s sermon. I love it when our people send those kinds of texts my way.…

Morning Musings – Jan. 29

One of the things about writing a weekly blog post that has been tough for me is getting it into my weekly routine. If I don’t do this thing on Mondays, more than likely it’s not going to get done. And Mondays are normally a short work day because I try to take at least 1/2 of the day for time off.…

Morning Musings – Jan. 14

Straight gospel…that’s the way I would describe the last two weeks of sermons. It’s fascinating because often as a preacher, I find this temptation to make the gospel “more exhilarating” or “more interesting”…and then I think about that again…slowly…and I realize how dumb that is. The gospel is “the power of God for salvation”. It’s the dynamite of God. It hits the…

Morning Musings – Jan. 7

Yesterday morning, as I prayed for our Sunday gathering, I was overwhelmed with gratitude as I thought about all the servants at CLF.  The joy that our people take in serving each other and making Sundays happen so that we can gather to worship Jesus together is simply remarkable to me.  As I quoted to the church on Sunday from Philippians 1, the people…

Morning Musings- Jan. 4

Well, last Sunday we finished up our Esther series.  With the holiday this week, I gladly took a couple of days off and so I’m a tad behind in my writing musings.  So, maybe this week’s addition should be Weekend Wonderings (or Wanderings, depending on where I end up).  So here it goes: From the cutting room floor: One of the things that really stood…